Verify Number Formats: Czech


To correct problems in compact numbers below, please go to Compact Decimal Formatting.

Numeric FormatCompact-ShortCompact-Long
1 0001 tis.1 tisíc
1 1001,1 tis.1,1 tisíce
1 5001,5 tis.1,5 tisíce
2 0002 tis.2 tisíce
5 0005 tis.5 tisíc
10 00010 tis.10 tisíc
100 000100 tis.100 tisíc
1 000 0001 mil.1 milion
1 100 0001,1 mil.1,1 milionu
1 500 0001,5 mil.1,5 milionu
2 000 0002 mil.2 miliony
5 000 0005 mil.5 milionů
10 000 00010 mil.10 milionů
100 000 000100 mil.100 milionů
1 000 000 0001 mld.1 miliarda
1 100 000 0001,1 mld.1,1 miliardy
1 500 000 0001,5 mld.1,5 miliardy
2 000 000 0002 mld.2 miliardy
5 000 000 0005 mld.5 miliard
10 000 000 00010 mld.10 miliard
100 000 000 000100 mld.100 miliard
1 000 000 000 0001 bil.1 bilion
1 100 000 000 0001,1 bil.1,1 bilionu
1 500 000 000 0001,5 bil.1,5 bilionu
2 000 000 000 0002 bil.2 biliony
5 000 000 000 0005 bil.5 bilionů
10 000 000 000 00010 bil.10 bilionů
100 000 000 000 000100 bil.100 bilionů
1 100 000 000 000 0001100 bil.1 100 bilionů

Plural Rules

To correct problems in plural rules below, please go to Plural Rules.

NameCodeTypeCategoryExamplesMinimal PairsRules
češtinacscardinalone11 deni = 1 and
  v = 0
few2~42 dnyi = 2..4 and
  v = 0
many0.0~1.5, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, 1000000.0, …1,5 dnev != 0
other0, 5~19, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, …5 dní
ordinalother0~15, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, …Na 15.
křižovatce odbočte vpravo.
rangeone+few1–21–2 dnyone + few → few
one+many1–10.01–10,0 dneone + many → many
one+other1–51–5 dníone + other → other
few+few2–42–4 dnyfew + few → few
few+many2–10.02–10,0 dnefew + many → many
few+other2–52–5 dnífew + other → other
many+one0.0–10,0–1 denmany + one → one
many+few0.0–20,0–2 dnymany + few → few
many+many0.0–10.00,0–10,0 dnemany + many → many
many+other0.0–50,0–5 dnímany + other → other
other+one0–10–1 denother + one → one
other+few0–20–2 dnyother + few → few
other+many0–10.00–10,0 dneother + many → many
other+other0–50–5 dníother + other → other