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¤¤BCP47 Delta

CLDR Version 29 Index

Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.

emdescription▷missing◁Emoji presentation style request
rgdescription▷missing◁Alternate region for determining certain data values (e.g. default currency and units) specified by rgScope
em-default_description▷missing◁use the default presentation as specified in UTR #51
em-emoji_description▷missing◁use an emoji presentation for emoji characters if possible
em-text_description▷missing◁use a text presentation for emoji characters if possible
rg-RG_KEY_VALUE_description▷missing◁A region code from idValidity/id[type='region'][idStatus='regular'], suffixed with 'ZZZZ'
_description▷missing◁Fort Nelson, Canada
t_Extensiond0description▷missing◁Transform destination for non-languages/scripts.
m0descriptionTransform extension mechanismTransform extension mechanism: to reference an authority or rules for a type of transformation
s0description▷missing◁Transform source for non-languages/scripts.
x0descriptionPrivate Use: Used for implementation-specific transforms. All subfields consistent with rfc6497 (that is, subtags of 3-8 alphanum characters) are valid, and do not require registration.Private use transform type key.
d0-accents_description▷missing◁map base + punctuation, etc to accented characters
d0-ascii_description▷missing◁map as many characters to the closest ASCII character as possible
d0-casefold_description▷missing◁apply Unicode case folding
_description▷missing◁map each character to its Unicode name
d0-fcc_description▷missing◁map string to the FCC format; http://unicode.org/notes/tn5
d0-fcd_description▷missing◁map string to the FCD format; http://unicode.org/notes/tn5
_description▷missing◁map characters to their fullwidth equivalents
d0-hex_description▷missing◁map characters to a hex equivalents, eg 'a' to '\u0061'; for hex variants see transform.xml
_description▷missing◁map characters to their halfwidth equivalents
d0-lower_description▷missing◁apply Unicode full lowercase mapping
d0-nfc_description▷missing◁map string to the Unicode NFC format
d0-nfd_description▷missing◁map string to the Unicode NFD format
d0-nfkc_description▷missing◁map string to the Unicode NFKC format
d0-nfkd_description▷missing◁map string to the Unicode NFKD format
_description▷missing◁map pinyin written with tones to the numeric form
d0-null_description▷missing◁make no change in the string
_description▷missing◁map to preferred forms for publishing, such as “, ”, —
d0-remove_description▷missing◁remove every character in the string
d0-title_description▷missing◁apply Unicode full titlecase mapping
d0-upper_description▷missing◁apply Unicode full uppercase mapping
_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the C11 syntax: \u0061\U0001F4D6
m0-css_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the CSS syntax: \61 \01F4D6, spacing where necessary
m0-java_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the Java syntax: \u0061\uD83D\uDCD6
m0-mns_description▷missing◁Mongolian National Standard
m0-percent_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the percent syntax: %61%F0%9F%93%96
m0-perl_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the perl syntax: \x{61}\x{1F4D6}
m0-plain_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, with no surrounding syntax, spacing where necessary: 0061 1F4D6
_description▷missing◁transform variant for proper names
m0-unicode_description▷missing◁to hex with the Unicode syntax: U+0061 U+1F4D6, spacing where necessary
m0-xml_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the xml syntax: a📖
m0-xml10_description▷missing◁for hex transforms, using the xml decimal syntax: a📖
s0-accents_description▷missing◁accented characters to map base + punctuation, etc
s0-ascii_description▷missing◁map from ASCII to the target, perhaps using different conventions
s0-hex_description▷missing◁map characters from hex equivalents, trying all variants, eg 'U+0061' to 'a'; for hex variants see transform.xml
_description▷missing◁map the numeric form of pinyin to the tone format
_description▷missing◁map publishing characters, such as “, ”, —, to from vanilla characters
x0-PRIVATE_USE_description▷missing◁Private use transform identifier. All subfields consistent with rfc6497 (that is, subtags of 3-8 alphanum characters) are valid, and do not require registration.