Shows additions to the LDML dtds over time. New elements or attributes are indicated with a + sign. Currently deprecated elements and attributes are omitted.
Version | Dtd Type | Intermediate Path | Element | Attributes |
32.0 | supplementalData | / | +languageGroups | |
/languageGroups/ | +languageGroup | +parent |
31.0 | ldml | /characters/ | +parseLenients | +scope, +level |
/characters/parseLenients/ | +parseLenient | +sample |
/numbers/ | +minimalPairs | |
/numbers/minimalPairs/ | +pluralMinimalPairs | +count |
+ordinalMinimalPairs | +ordinal |
supplementalData | /languageMatching/languageMatches/ | +paradigmLocales | +locales |
+matchVariable | +id, +value |
languageMatch | +distance |
/territoryInfo/territory/ | languagePopulation | +literacyPercent |
30.0 | ldml | / | +characterLabels | |
/annotations/ | annotation | +type |
/characterLabels/ | +characterLabelPattern | +type, +count |
+characterLabel | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/ | dateFormatItem | +count |
/dates/calendars/calendar/fields/field/ | +relativePeriod | |
supplementalData | /weekData/ | +weekOfPreference | +locales, +ordering |
29.0 | supplementalData | / | +unitPreferenceData | |
+rgScope | |
/rgScope/ | +rgPath | +path |
/transforms/ | transform | +alias, +backwardAlias |
/unitPreferenceData/ | +unitPreferences | +category, +usage, +scope |
/unitPreferenceData/unitPreferences/ | +unitPreference | +regions |
ldmlBCP47 | /keyword/ | key | +valueType |
28.0 | ldml | /localeDisplayNames/ | +subdivisions | |
/localeDisplayNames/subdivisions/ | +subdivision | +type |
/metadata/casingData/ | casingItem | +forceError |
/units/unitLength/ | +coordinateUnit | |
/units/unitLength/coordinateUnit/ | +coordinateUnitPattern | +type |
supplementalData | / | +subdivisionContainment | |
+idValidity | |
/idValidity/ | +id | +type, +idStatus |
/metadata/alias/ | +subdivisionAlias | +type, +replacement, +reason |
/metadata/validity/ | attributeValues | +dtds |
/subdivisionContainment/ | +subgroup | +type, +contains |
27.0 | ldml | / | +annotations | |
/annotations/ | +annotation | +cp |
supplementalData | / | version | +unicodeVersion |
dayPeriodRuleSet | +type |
/measurementData/ | measurementSystem | +category |
26.0 | ldml | /numbers/ | +minimumGroupingDigits | |
/numbers/symbols/ | +timeSeparator | |
/segmentations/segmentation/ | +suppressions | +type |
/segmentations/segmentation/suppressions/ | +suppression | |
/units/unit/ | +perUnitPattern | |
supplementalData | /codeMappings/ | +currencyCodes | +type, +numeric |
25.0 | supplementalData | /coverageLevels/ | +approvalRequirements | |
/coverageLevels/approvalRequirements/ | +approvalRequirement | +votes, +locales, +paths |
/plurals/ | +pluralRanges | +locales |
/plurals/pluralRanges/ | +pluralRange | +start, +end, +result |
24.0 | ldml | /collations/ | +defaultCollation | |
/collations/collation/ | +cr | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/fields/field/ | +relativeTime | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/fields/field/relativeTime/ | +relativeTimePattern | +count |
/dates/timeZoneNames/ | regionFormat | +type |
/metadata/casingData/ | casingItem | +override |
/numbers/ | +miscPatterns | +numberSystem |
/numbers/symbols/ | +superscriptingExponent | |
/units/ | +unitLength | +type |
+durationUnit | +type |
/units/durationUnit/ | +durationUnitPattern | |
/units/unitLength/ | +compoundUnit | +type |
/units/unitLength/compoundUnit/ | +compoundUnitPattern | |
supplementalData | /currencyData/fractions/ | info | +cashDigits |
ldmlBCP47 | / | attribute | +preferred |
/keyword/ | key | +preferred |
/keyword/key/ | type | +preferred |
23.1 | ldml | /layout/orientation/ | +characterOrder | |
+lineOrder | |
supplementalData | / | +timeData | |
+primaryZones | |
/currencyData/fractions/ | info | +cashRounding |
/currencyData/region/ | currency | +digits, +rounding, +cashRounding |
/primaryZones/ | +primaryZone | +iso3166 |
/timeData/ | +hours | +preferred, +allowed, +regions |
22.1 | ldml | /dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/dateFormatLength/dateFormat/ | pattern | +count |
supplementalData | /coverageLevels/ | +coverageVariable | +key, +value |
ldmlBCP47 | / | attribute | +deprecated |
/keyword/ | key | +deprecated |
/keyword/key/ | type | +deprecated |
keyboard | | +keyboard | +locale |
/ | +version | +platform, +number, +cldrVersion |
+names | |
+settings | +fallback, +transformFailure, +transformPartial |
+keyMap | +modifiers |
+transforms | +type |
/keyMap/ | +map | +iso, +to, +longPress, +transform |
/names/ | +name | +value |
/transforms/ | +transform | +from, +to |
platform | | +platform | +id |
/ | +hardwareMap | |
/hardwareMap/ | +map | +keycode, +iso |
21.0 | ldml | / | +contextTransforms | |
+metadata | |
/contextTransforms/ | +contextTransformUsage | +type |
/contextTransforms/contextTransformUsage/ | +contextTransform | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/ | +monthPatterns | |
+cyclicNameSets | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/cyclicNameSets/ | +cyclicNameSet | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/cyclicNameSets/cyclicNameSet/ | +cyclicNameContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/cyclicNameSets/cyclicNameSet/cyclicNameContext/ | +cyclicNameWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/cyclicNameSets/cyclicNameSet/cyclicNameContext/cyclicNameWidth/ | +cyclicName | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/monthPatterns/ | +monthPatternContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/monthPatterns/monthPatternContext/ | +monthPatternWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/monthPatterns/monthPatternContext/monthPatternWidth/ | +monthPattern | +type |
/metadata/ | +casingData | |
/metadata/casingData/ | +casingItem | +type |
/numbers/ | +otherNumberingSystems | |
/numbers/otherNumberingSystems/ | +native | |
+traditional | |
+finance | |
supplementalData | / | plurals | +type |
+gender | |
/gender/ | +personList | +type, +locales |
/metaZones/ | mapTimezones | +typeVersion, +otherVersion |
/territoryContainment/ | group | +status |
ldmlBCP47 | /keyword/ | key | +extension |
2.0.1 | ldml | /localeDisplayNames/localeDisplayPattern/ | +localeKeyTypePattern | |
supplementalData | / | +parentLocales | |
/coverageLevels/ | coverageLevel | +inLanguage, +inScript, +inTerritory |
/parentLocales/ | +parentLocale | +parent, +locales |
/territoryContainment/ | group | +grouping |
ldmlBCP47 | / | attribute | +description, +since |
/keyword/ | key | +description |
/keyword/key/ | type | +description |
1.9.1 | ldml | /characters/ | +ellipsis | +type |
+moreInformation | |
/numbers/ | symbols | +numberSystem |
decimalFormats | +numberSystem |
scientificFormats | +numberSystem |
percentFormats | +numberSystem |
currencyFormats | +numberSystem |
supplementalData | / | +coverageLevels | |
/coverageLevels/ | +coverageLevel | +value, +match |
/metadata/alias/ | languageAlias | +reason |
scriptAlias | +reason |
territoryAlias | +reason |
variantAlias | +reason |
zoneAlias | +reason |
1.8.1 | ldml | / | +listPatterns | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/ | +dayPeriods | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dayPeriods/ | +dayPeriodContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext/ | +dayPeriodWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext/dayPeriodWidth/ | +dayPeriod | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/months/monthContext/monthWidth/ | month | +yeartype |
/listPatterns/ | +listPattern | +type |
/listPatterns/listPattern/ | +listPatternPart | +type |
supplementalData | / | version | +cldrVersion |
+languageMatching | |
+dayPeriodRuleSet | |
+metaZones | |
+windowsZones | |
/dayPeriodRuleSet/ | +dayPeriodRules | +locales |
/dayPeriodRuleSet/dayPeriodRules/ | +dayPeriodRule | +type, +at, +from, +before |
/languageMatching/ | +languageMatches | +type |
/languageMatching/languageMatches/ | +languageMatch | +desired, +supported, +percent, +oneway |
ldmlBCP47 | / | version | +cldrVersion |
1.7.2 | ldml | / | +rbnf | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/dateFormatLength/dateFormat/ | pattern | +numbers |
/dates/timeZoneNames/ | +gmtZeroFormat | |
/numbers/ | +defaultNumberingSystem | |
/rbnf/ | +rulesetGrouping | +type |
/rbnf/rulesetGrouping/ | +ruleset | +type, +access, +allowsParsing |
/rbnf/rulesetGrouping/ruleset/ | +rbnfrule | +value, +radix, +decexp |
supplementalData | / | +calendarPreferenceData | |
+numberingSystems | |
/calendarPreferenceData/ | +calendarPreference | +territories, +ordering |
/currencyData/region/ | currency | +tender |
/numberingSystems/ | +numberingSystem | +id, +type, +radix, +digits, +rules |
ldmlBCP47 | | +ldmlBCP47 | |
/ | +version | +number |
+keyword | |
+attribute | +name |
/keyword/ | +key | +name, +alias, +since |
/keyword/key/ | +type | +name, +alias, +since |
1.6.1 | ldml | / | +units | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/dateFormatLength/dateFormat/ | displayName | +count |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/ | +intervalFormats | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/intervalFormats/ | +intervalFormatFallback | |
+intervalFormatItem | +id |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/intervalFormats/intervalFormatItem/ | +greatestDifference | +id |
/localeDisplayNames/ | +localeDisplayPattern | |
/localeDisplayNames/localeDisplayPattern/ | +localePattern | |
+localeSeparator | |
/numbers/currencyFormats/ | +unitPattern | +count |
/numbers/symbols/ | +currencyDecimal | |
+currencyGroup | |
/units/ | +unit | +type |
supplementalData | / | +plurals | |
/plurals/ | +pluralRules | +locales |
/plurals/pluralRules/ | +pluralRule | +count |
1.5.1 | ldml | /dates/timeZoneNames/ | +metazone | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/ | +codePatterns | |
/localeDisplayNames/codePatterns/ | +codePattern | +type |
supplementalData | / | +territoryInfo | |
+codeMappings | |
+likelySubtags | |
+metazoneInfo | |
+references | |
/calendarData/calendar/ | +calendarSystem | +type |
+eras | |
/calendarData/calendar/eras/ | +era | +type, +start, +end |
/codeMappings/ | +territoryCodes | +type, +numeric, +alpha3, +fips10, +internet |
/likelySubtags/ | +likelySubtag | +from, +to |
/metadata/ | +defaultContent | +locales |
/metazoneInfo/ | +timezone | +type |
/metazoneInfo/timezone/ | +usesMetazone | +mzone, +from, +to |
/references/ | +reference | +type, +uri |
/territoryInfo/ | +territory | +type, +gdp, +literacyPercent, +population |
/territoryInfo/territory/ | +languagePopulation | +type, +writingPercent, +populationPercent, +officialStatus |
1.4.1 | ldml | / | +segmentations | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/ | +quarters | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/ | +availableFormats | |
+appendItems | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/appendItems/ | +appendItem | +request |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/ | +dateFormatItem | +id |
/dates/calendars/calendar/eras/ | +eraNarrow | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/quarters/ | +quarterContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/quarters/quarterContext/ | +quarterWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/quarters/quarterContext/quarterWidth/ | +quarter | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/ | +measurementSystemNames | |
/localeDisplayNames/measurementSystemNames/ | +measurementSystemName | +type |
/segmentations/ | +segmentation | +type |
/segmentations/segmentation/ | +variables | |
+segmentRules | |
/segmentations/segmentation/segmentRules/ | +rule | +id |
/segmentations/segmentation/variables/ | +variable | +id |
supplementalData | / | +calendarData | |
+weekData | |
+measurementData | |
+transforms | |
/calendarData/ | +calendar | +type |
/measurementData/ | +measurementSystem | +type, +territories |
+paperSize | +type, +territories |
/metadata/ | +serialElements | |
+suppress | |
+validity | |
/metadata/alias/ | +zoneAlias | +type, +replacement |
/metadata/suppress/ | +attributes | +element, +attribute, +attributeValue |
/metadata/validity/ | +variable | +id, +type |
+attributeValues | +elements, +attributes, +type, +order |
/transforms/ | +transform | +source, +target, +variant, +direction, +visibility |
/transforms/transform/ | +comment | |
+tRule | |
/weekData/ | +minDays | +count, +territories |
+firstDay | +day, +territories |
+weekendStart | +day, +territories |
+weekendEnd | +day, +territories |
1.3 | ldml | /numbers/currencyFormats/ | +currencySpacing | |
/numbers/currencyFormats/currencySpacing/ | +beforeCurrency | |
+afterCurrency | |
/numbers/currencyFormats/currencySpacing/beforeCurrency/ | +currencyMatch | |
+surroundingMatch | |
+insertBetween | |
supplementalData | / | +version | +number |
+territoryContainment | |
+languageData | |
+characters | |
+metadata | |
/characters/ | +character-fallback | |
/characters/character-fallback/ | +character | +value |
/characters/character-fallback/character/ | +substitute | |
/currencyData/region/ | currency | +from, +to |
/languageData/ | +language | +type, +scripts, +territories, +variants |
/metadata/ | +alias | |
/metadata/alias/ | +languageAlias | +type, +replacement |
+scriptAlias | +type, +replacement |
+territoryAlias | +type, +replacement |
+variantAlias | +type, +replacement |
/territoryContainment/ | +group | +type, +contains |
1.2 | ldml | /characters/ | exemplarCharacters | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/ | +fields | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/fields/ | +field | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/fields/field/ | +relative | +type |
/dates/timeZoneNames/ | +hourFormat | |
+gmtFormat | |
+regionFormat | |
+fallbackFormat | |
1.1.1 | ldml | | +ldml | |
/ | +localeDisplayNames | |
+layout | |
+characters | |
+delimiters | |
+dates | |
+numbers | |
+collations | +version |
+posix | |
/characters/ | +exemplarCharacters | |
/collations/ | +collation | +type |
/dates/ | +calendars | |
+timeZoneNames | |
/dates/calendars/ | +calendar | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/ | +months | |
+days | |
+eras | |
+dateFormats | |
+timeFormats | |
+dateTimeFormats | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/ | +dateFormatLength | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/dateFormatLength/ | +dateFormat | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateFormats/dateFormatLength/dateFormat/ | +pattern | +type |
+displayName | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/ | +dateTimeFormatLength | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/dateTimeFormats/dateTimeFormatLength/ | +dateTimeFormat | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/days/ | +dayContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/days/dayContext/ | +dayWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/days/dayContext/dayWidth/ | +day | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/eras/ | +eraNames | |
+eraAbbr | |
/dates/calendars/calendar/eras/eraNames/ | +era | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/months/ | +monthContext | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/months/monthContext/ | +monthWidth | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/months/monthContext/monthWidth/ | +month | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/timeFormats/ | +timeFormatLength | +type |
/dates/calendars/calendar/timeFormats/timeFormatLength/ | +timeFormat | +type |
/dates/timeZoneNames/ | +zone | +type |
/dates/timeZoneNames/zone/ | +long | |
+short | |
+exemplarCity | |
/dates/timeZoneNames/zone/long/ | +generic | |
+standard | |
+daylight | |
/delimiters/ | +quotationStart | |
+quotationEnd | |
+alternateQuotationStart | |
+alternateQuotationEnd | |
/layout/ | +orientation | |
/localeDisplayNames/ | +languages | |
+scripts | |
+territories | |
+variants | |
+keys | |
+types | |
/localeDisplayNames/keys/ | +key | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/languages/ | +language | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/scripts/ | +script | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/territories/ | +territory | +type |
/localeDisplayNames/types/ | +type | +type, +key |
/localeDisplayNames/variants/ | +variant | +type |
/numbers/ | +symbols | |
+decimalFormats | |
+scientificFormats | |
+percentFormats | |
+currencyFormats | |
+currencies | |
/numbers/currencies/ | +currency | +type |
/numbers/currencies/currency/ | +symbol | |
/numbers/currencyFormats/ | +currencyFormatLength | +type |
/numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/ | +currencyFormat | +type |
/numbers/decimalFormats/ | +decimalFormatLength | +type |
/numbers/decimalFormats/decimalFormatLength/ | +decimalFormat | +type |
/numbers/percentFormats/ | +percentFormatLength | +type |
/numbers/percentFormats/percentFormatLength/ | +percentFormat | +type |
/numbers/scientificFormats/ | +scientificFormatLength | +type |
/numbers/scientificFormats/scientificFormatLength/ | +scientificFormat | +type |
/numbers/symbols/ | +decimal | |
+group | |
+list | |
+percentSign | |
+plusSign | |
+minusSign | |
+exponential | |
+perMille | |
+infinity | |
+nan | |
/posix/ | +messages | |
/posix/messages/ | +yesstr | |
+nostr | |
supplementalData | | +supplementalData | |
/ | +currencyData | |
/currencyData/ | +fractions | |
+region | +iso3166 |
/currencyData/fractions/ | +info | +iso4217, +digits, +rounding |
/currencyData/region/ | +currency | +iso4217 |