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The following illustrates the ordering for the Volapük collation tailorings. It does not show the strength differences, such as where case is ignored where there are letter differences. The search order is special: it only used for comparing characters for similarity, so the order among the characters does not matter. Where a type is not present, such as emoji or search, it defaults to the Root type.

Warning: Do not scrape this chart for production data. Instead, for the meaning of the fields and data consult the LDML specification, and for machine-readable source data, access common/collation.

standard- , ; : ! ? . ' " « » ( ) [ ] { } § @ * / & # % + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a A ä Ä ą̈ Ą̈ ǟ Ǟ ạ̈ Ạ̈ ḁ̈ Ḁ̈ b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m M n N o O ö Ö ǫ̈ Ǫ̈ ȫ Ȫ ơ̈ Ơ̈ ợ̈ Ợ̈ ọ̈ Ọ̈ p P q Q r R s S t T u U ü Ü ǘ Ǘ ǜ Ǜ ǚ Ǚ ų̈ Ų̈ ǖ Ǖ ư̈ Ư̈ ự̈ Ự̈ ụ̈ Ụ̈ ṳ̈ Ṳ̈ ṷ̈ Ṷ̈ ṵ̈ Ṵ̈ v V w W x X y Y z Z

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