Paul Cotton - Microsoft Canada
Paul Cotton joined Microsoft in May, 2000 and is currently Program
Manager of XML Standards. Paul has 28 years of experience in the
Information Technology industry. He has been involved in computer
standards work since 1988 when he began representing Fulcrum
Technologies in the SQL Access Group where he was heavily involved
in the development of the SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) which is
the de jure standard based on ODBC.
Paul has represented his employer and Canada on the ISO SQL and
SQL/Multi-Media committees since 1992 and was the Editor of the SQL/MM
Full-Text and Still Image documents from 1995 until joining Microsoft.
Paul was a founding member in the consortium efforts to standardize JDBC
and SQLJ which provide interfaces to SQL for the Java language.
Paul has been participating in the W3C XML Activity since mid-1998 when
he became IBM's prime representative on the XML Linking and Infoset
Working Groups. Paul has been chairperson of the XML Query Working Group
and a member of the XML Coordination Group since September 1999. Paul
was elected to the W3C Advisory Board in June 2000 soon after joining
Microsoft. Paul is also Microsoft's alternate on the XML Protocol
Working Group.