Re-assignment of Hangul character

From: Hart, Edwin F. (
Date: Wed Sep 27 1995 - 08:46:00 EDT

Enclosed is the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 document that discusses resolution of
comments on the revision to Korean Hangul. The measure passed the first ISO
ballot level (PDAM) with 16 votes for, 5 votes against, and 2 abstentions.
 After resolution of comment, it has one more ballot (DAM) level before
being adopted as part of ISO/IEC 10646.

Ed Hart

                        ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2
         Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

                                   ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N 1265
                                   Date: 1995-09-26

TITLE: Report on Letter Ballot of PDAM5 to ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Hangul):
          Proposed Disposition of Comments from National Bodies
SOURCE: Bruce Paterson, Project Editor
STATUS: Project Editor's Draft
ACTION: For review by WG2

Responses to the letter ballot on PDAM5 appear in document JTC1/SC2
N 2623.

National bodies that submitted comments are listed below in
alphabetical order. Where a national body has submitted a Negative
vote the indication (N) appears after its name in the list below.

Canada (N)
(Principal comment) - WG2 to decide.
     1. If the comment is accepted then the text of the pDAM will
     be revised accordingly. Sections A, B, & C will be merged
     into a single section, and the two introductory paragraphs will
     be deleted, as shown on the pages attached herewith. Minor
     clarifications will be added to the conformance clauses (2.2
     and 2.3).

     2. The practical consequence of accepting the comment will be
     as follows:
          A CC-data-element will be able to include Hangul
     characters that are coded:
          - either as specified in ISO/IEC 10646 1st Edition,
          - or as specified in Amendment no.5,
          - but not both.
          Devices (implementations) will be able to support Hangul
          - either as specified in ISO/IEC 10646 1st Edition,
          - or as specified in Amendment no.5,
          - or both, if the two different encodings are in separate
     CC-data-elements, and a method is provided for distinguishing
     between these two types of CC-data-element, e.g. by user-
     controlled switching of the device and/or by identifiers in the
     interchange protocol.
          Any statements of conformance must clearly indicate which
     of these cases is applicable.

 (Additional comments) - Accepted in principle.
    The appropriate paragraphs in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 will be
   slightly extended to indicate that the Edition number of ISO/IEC
   10646, or the highest current Amendment number, should be
   mentioned in any statement of conformance.
   The exact wording of the statement will depend on the form in
   which DAM 5 will be published by ITTF (which is not yet known).
   However the date when a new Edition, or Amendment, applies to
   implementations is a matter for private agreement between the
   interchange parties.

China (N)
1. WG2 to decide.
   Note. Some annotation could perhaps be added to the new Annex
   "Additional information on characters" to indicate those Hangul
   syllables that are not in common use.
2. Not accepted.
   The comment is contrary to the principles on which the pDAM is
3. WG2 to decide.
   Note. The comment will be resolved if the comment from Canada
   (and other NBs) is accepted.

Ireland (N)
 - WG2 to decide.

Japan (N)
Procedures and general principle
G-1 WG2 to decide whether action by the SC2 Secretariat is
G-2 WG2 to decide.
          Note. The comment will be resolved if the comment from
     Canada (and other NBs) is accepted.
G-3 WG2 to decide.
G-4 WG2 to decide.
G-5 WG2 to decide. See also comment T-3 below.

T-1 WG2 to decide.
T-2 WG2 to decide.
          Note. If the comment from Canada (and other NBs) is
     accepted, then the existing HANGUL block will be deleted, and a
     change of name is no longer required.
          WG2 must decide whether the name of the new Hangul block
     should be the same or different. If a different name is
     required then the name HANGUL EXTENDED may be apropriate.
T-3 WG2 to decide. Also see comment from Ireland.
T-4 WG2 to decide. If accepted, an action must be placed for
     preparation of the proposed new Annex.
T-5 WG2 to decide. If accepted, an action must be placed for
     preparation of the proposed new Annex.
E-1 Accepted in principle. Figure 3 will be included in the
  text for the next ballot (DAM).
E-2 Accepted.
E-3 Accepted in principle. Final tables will be included in
  the text for the next ballot (DAM).

Singapore (N)
 - (same as for comment from Canada)

 - (same as for comment from Canada)

                        * * *
          Proposed Draft Amendment No.5 to ISO/IEC 10646-1
        [Revised text for review by SC2/WG2 - September 1995]

Page 1, Clause 2
In 2.2, line 3, insert " this edition of " before " ISO/IEC 10646".
In 2.3, line 1, insert " this edition of " before " ISO/IEC 10646".

Page 8, Clause 12
 After the NOTE add a new note as follows:
In Amendment no. 5 [or 2nd edition] of ISO/IEC 10646 the coding
allocation of the HANGUL character collection was changed. This
was due to an exceptional circumstance, arising from a major
revision in the corresponding Korean national standard shortly after
the final text of the First edition of ISO/IEC 10646 was agreed. It
is not intended to be regarded as a precedent for other changes of
allocation in future editions of ISO/IEC 10646.

Page 12, Clause 19
(a) In the list of Block names delete the following entries:
   HANGUL 3400 - 3D2D
(b) In the list of Block names, after the entry CJK UNIFIED
   IDEOGRAPHS insert new entry as follows:
   HANGUL AC00 - D7A3

Page 14, Clause 25
At the end of paragraph 1 replace pages by pages and in Amendment
   No. 5

Page 15, Figure 3
(a) Replace the following three blocks:
   34 to 3D Hangul
   3E to 44 Hangul Supplementary-A
   45 to 4D Hangul Supplementary-B
   by a single block consisting of a cross-hatched background with
   no text.
   In the left-hand margin delete Row-octet numbers 3D, 3E, 44, &
(b) Divide the block identified as Row-octet A0 to DF into three
   separate blocks, by inserting two horizontal lines across the
   full width of the Figure.
   In the central block so created insert the words Hangul (see
   Amendment no.5) in a white background (i.e. delete the cross-
   In the left-hand margin insert Row-octet numbers AC and D7
   to identify the new central block.

Pages 130 to 233, Clause 26
Delete Tables 58 through 109.

Page 700, Annex A
In the list of collection numbers and names:
(a) In the list of collection numbers and names delete the entries:
   57 HANGUL 3400 - 3D2D
(b) after 70 SPECIALS insert a new line to read:
    71 HANGUL AC00 - D7A3

Page 709, Annex E
In paragraph 1 delete the words:

Page 751, Annex L
(a) Delete the entry for KS C 5657 - 1991
(b) Amend the entry for KS C 5601 - 1987 as follows:
   KS C 5601 - 1992 Korean Industrial Standards Association.
   Jeongho gyohwanyong buho (Code for Information Interchange).

After Page 754
Attach the set of new tables herewith.

NOTE: The tables attached here are in a draft layout only, with
title -
The layout of each page of these draft tables is as follows (columns
are numbered from left to right across the page; a vertical ruling
separates columns 1 - 4 from columns 5 - 8):
     columns 1 & 5 - serial number of character [not for
inclusion in the Amendment]
     columns 2 & 6 - code position of character, in two-octet
BMP form
     columns 3 & 7 - graphic symbol for character
     columns 4 & 8 - name of character

In the final text of the Amendment the tables will have the same
appearance and layout as the existing Tables 58 and 59, and will be
titled in sequence starting from:
     TABLE 124 - Row AC : HANGUL
and ending at:
     TABLE 211 - Row D7 : HANGUL



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