JIS X0208 new version on review

From: Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (mtoyo@Lit.hokudai.ac.jp)
Date: Wed Nov 01 1995 - 00:00:52 EST

 The draft-standard of the JIS X0208 is now ready for public review.

                Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) X0208
 "7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded Kanji sets for information interchange"

The Japanese KANJI coded-character-set standard is now under its 3rd revision.
The revising committee discloses the draft-standard for public review, and
welcomes questions and proposals until the end of February, 1996.

To acquire the draft-standard, contact

    Nihon Kikaku Kyokai / INSTAC
      Minato-ku, Akasaka 4 chome 1-24, Tokyo 107, JAPAN
      FAX +81-3-3582-0844 (24h)

or get the flat-text version of the draft standard thru FTP

                                    (and the files indicated there)

N.B. The standard is written in Japanese.
Masayuki TOYOSHIMA / mtoyo@Lit.hokudai.ac.jp / FAX +81-11-726-0919
dpt. of Japanese linguistics, Hokkaido university, Sapporo 060 JAPAN

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