Language code

Date: Tue Nov 14 1995 - 09:47:54 EST

I would like to question the soundness of using tree letter identification
on languages at this point. Would it not be much wiser to enumerate languages
using a usigned int or long int, and make public primary and
secondary key datase records to show the numbers meaning.

It is a well documented fact that the Summer Institute of Linguistics is a
rather bad colonial/missionary system. It's well known to be a device for
treating aborigial groups of people badly i.e. even to be a device for
extinguishing groups of people in south America.


>I also have had two change requests on the document:
>- To add a syntax for describing matching rules, so that, for instance,
> one could ask for language "en" and have the tag "en-cockney" match
>- To add syntax for one or more larger language repertoires. In particular
> the Summer Institute of Linguistics' Ethnologue 3-character codes has
> been suggested.
>I would therefore ask community input on the following points:
>- Should the document be progressed to Draft Standard? This requires no
> additional functionality, and at least some implementation experience
>- Should the document be revised, and recycled as Proposed?

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