> When I spoke with Infoterm by telephone on 14 November, I was astonished to
> hear that the 1989 newsletter should be seen merely as a proposal, with no
> formal status.
I'm alarmed to hear this. I didn't expect these kinds of
problems with a registration authority assigned by ISO.
The attitude shown by Infoterm on 14 November is a relatively
new phenomenon, though. In the work that resulted in RFC 1766 I
spoke to Ms Machek at Infoterm about registrations made after
the adoption of ISO 639, and received the newsletter you mention
in return, together with the enclosed cover letter (in my own
-- Olle Jarnefors, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm <ojarnef@admin.kth.se>-:-:-:-:- International Information Phone: (+1) 26 75 35 Ext. 312 Centre for Terminology Fax: (+1) 216 32 72 (Infoterm) Telex: 115960 onorm a P. O. Box 130, A-1021 Wien
TELEFAX MESSAGE Date: 1994-05-17
ISO 639 Code for the representation of names of langauges ---------------------------------------------------------
Dear Mr Jarnefors,
With reference to our telephone conversation please find herewith the only ISO 639/RA Newsletter published so far, indicating the changes registered as to the two-letter langauge codes.
According to our files no official proposal/request has been made so far for the inclusion of Lappish in this International Standard.
Should you have some further questions in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Machek-H. E. for Christian Galinski Director of Inforterm Registration Authority for ISO 639
P.S.: Since work has not yet started on the revision of ISO 639, no new version of this standard is to be expected in the next 2-3 years. -:-:-:-:-
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