FW: GreyNet Newsletter

From: Hart, Edwin F. (HartEF1@bisdpo1.bisdnet.jhuapl.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 27 1995 - 16:04:30 EST

Ed Hart
From: Dominic.Farace
To: Edwin Hart
Subject: GreyNet Newsletter
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 1995 21:45

FROM: SMTP:Dominic.Farace@solair1.inter.nl.net
DATE: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 21:45:02 +0100 (MET)
TO: Edwin Hart (SMTP:Edwin.Hart@aplmail.jhuapl.edu)

SUBJECT: GreyNet Newsletter


GREYNET'S NEWSLETTER ------------------------------------------------------

  NewsBriefNews, Vol.4, No.4, 1995. - ISSN 0929-0923 (E-mail Version)
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 / Happy@1996 \ from GreyNet!


Evaluation of GL'95 in USA 1
European Union Hosts GL'97 2
Barcelona Seminar & Curriculum 3
BOBCATSSS Symposium in Budapest 4
Final Call for GL-Guide Entries 5
GreyNet Publication Order Form 6

TransAtlantic| Grey Literature Network Service
Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel/Fax: 31-20-671.1818 | Email: GreyNet@inter.nl.net
URL gopher://gopher.konbib.nl/11/greynet/
Annual subscription: DFL. 40 | US$ 25

[1]. EVALUATION OF GL'95 IN USA -------------------------------------------

Some 125 participants from 22 countries took part in the Second
International Conference on Grey Literature held in Washington D.C.
on 2-3 November 1995. Thirty scientific and technical papers were delivered
during the Inaugural, Plenary, and Satellite sessions. Based on the written
evaluations of the participants, GL'95 was a success! This accomplishment
must be shared by the many who made this international S&T event possible
i.e., the Sponsors, the Program Committee Members, the Authors and
Researchers, as well as the Participants themselves.

Based on the results of the Conference Questionnaire, the three best
presentations at GL'95 were given by:

1. Patricia Kreitz from Standford Linear Accelerator Center, "Collaborative
   International Control of High Energy Physics Preprints" (USA);
2. Claudia Lux from the Senatsbibliothek Berlin, "A Grey Literature
   Database on Local Government Reports" (Germany);
3. Marjorie Hlava from Access Innovations Inc., "Grey Literature from the
   former Soviet Union and its Satellite Nations" (USA).

Interesting enough, these three speakers not only represent the main areas
in which grey literature is produced and processed: Academic (Kreitz),
Government (Lux), Business (Hlava); but they also represent the three main
sessions comprising GL'95. Session One: GL in Networked Environments
(Kreitz); Session Two: Marketing and Promotion of GL (Hlava); Session
Three: Management of GL in Regional Contexts (Lux).

The recommendations made at GL'93 in Amsterdam, which appeared in
NewsBriefNews (Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994), were all implemented within the
structure of GL'95. Such feedback is of vital importance for the planning
and development of future events. Based on the evaluation of GL'95, three
recommendations were shared by a number of respondents. These
recommendations will be briefly elaborated here, and will formally appear
on the Agenda of the GL'97 Program Committee.

It should be emphasized that papers must be "presented" at conferences
and "not read". Considering the time and effort that is expended in the
research and authorship of the paper, a straightforward reading of the text
neither enhances nor compliments the results contained in a paper. One
respondent aptly mentions that the topic of Grey Literature would even
provide a challenge to professional speakers. Another respondent cites a
worthwhile reference for forthcoming events from a chapter in "Information
Sources in Science and Technology" entitled: Organising and Presenting
Information" (ISBN 0-408-01467-9).

Time during the conference should be set aside for practical demonstrations.
This need not be incorporated in the presentation of the speakers but could
be set-up in a workshop environment, whereby new products and services, as
well as on-going projects in the field of grey literature can be
demonstrated. If these demonstrations or tutorial sessions are strategically
planned, they would add to an overall balanced and stimulating program.

Grey Literature has traditionally been classified and discussed by the type
of document that it embodies rather than by the discipline which it covers.
As such its very roots are interdisciplinary and international in nature.
Such characteristics lend themselves to global forums. Nevertheless, during
GL'97, it would be advantageous to provide the opportunity for participants
from social science backgrounds to meet separately from those engaged in the
natural sciences. Some suggestions were to have "birds-of-a-feather"
luncheon arrangements or special satellite sessions along disciplinary

[2]. EUROPEAN UNION HOSTS GL'97 -------------------------------------------

The Directorate General XIII/D-2 of the Commission of the European
Communities "Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge" has
confirmed its sponsorship of the Third International Conference on Grey
Literature (GL'97). The conference's expanded title reads: "Perspectives on
the Design and Transfer of Scientific and Technical Information". GL'97
will be held at the European Centre in Luxembourg from 13-14 November 1997.
In the first half of 1996, the initial Call for Papers and the Announcement
will be distributed both in printed and electronic formats. The first draft
of the Program has already been drawn-up; however, it will be task of the
Organising Bureau and DG XIII/D-2 to incorporate the recommendations made
at GL'95. A revised draft will then be submitted to Co-sponsors and Program
Committee Organisations for their endorsement. Further information about
GL'97, can be found in the forthcoming issues of NewsBriefNews and/or the
GreyNet Gopher.

[3]. BARCELONA SEMINAR & CURRICULUM ---------------------------------------

A week seminar on the Management of Grey Literature in University Libraries
was conducted by GreyNet in cooperation with the British Library Document
Supply Centre (BLDSC). Twenty-two librarians from the Consortium of
University Libraries in Barcelona attended this seminar that was held from
December 11-15, 1995. The seminar was constructed in a modular format in
which a five hour day was divided into 20 minute sessions. Each session
adhered to one of four modules as shown, below.

  1. PRESENTATIONS: - Seminar Lectures - Guest Speakers
  2. PRACTICA: - Duo Assignments - Group Assignments
  3. CASUS: - Open Forum - Paradigms
  4. MULTI-MEDIA: - Videotapes - CD-ROM - Internet

Classical presentations were conducted by Andrew Smith (BLDSC) and
Dominic Farace (GreyNet). The three guest lecturers (in the order in
which they spoke) were Marisol Hernando Tunidor (CINDOC, Madrid),
Elvira Munoz (IISJO, Onati), and Rosa Fernandez Lopez (University of

In the morning, the participants worked in pairs on assignments that were
related to existing texts, definitions, and classifications of grey
literature. In the afternoon, the assignments were carried out in small
groups and were geared to the development of new products or services in
the field of grey literature e.g. Listserves, FAQ's, Electronic Depots for
Grey Literature, etc.

Case studies were provided by each of the four participating universities
(1) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2) Universitat de Barcelona
(3) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and (4) the Universitat
Pompeu Fabra. Other cases studies served as paradigms e.g. BLDSC,

A number of media forms were used throughout the week. Videotapes from
GL'93 (Amsterdam) and GL'95 (Washington D.C.), Powerpoint as well as
regular overhead sheets, CD-ROM demonstrations, etc. The use of multimedia
not only added variety to the overall program but brought the seminar
participants face-to-face as it were with those doing research in the field
of grey literature.

For those who are interested, the Seminar Notebook on Grey Literature
(ISBN 90-74854-0709) can now be purchased. To speed your order, use the
Fax/Email Form found in this newsletter.

[4]. BOBCATSSS SYMPOSIUM IN BUDAPEST --------------------------------------

The Fourth BOBCATSSS Symposium on the "Quality of Information Services"
will be held at the National Szechenyi Library in Budapest from January
29-31, 1996. BOBCATSSS is the acronym for the organisation of Library and
Information Schools of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Budapest, Copenhagen, Kharkiv,
Moscow, Oslo, Sheffield, Sofia, Stuttgart, Szombathely, Tallinn, and
In the session on "Networks and Databases", Dominic Farace (GreyNet) will
present a paper co-authored by Inge de Heer. Inge is a recent graduate of
the Library and Information College of Amsterdam. Their paper is entitled:
The Design and Development of Grey Literature Resources. This paper, like
the one prepared for GL'95 in Washington D.C., is based on the results of
the research project carried out by Inge de Heer in cooperation with
GreyNet. Among the six library colleges in The Netherlands, her thesis
received ranking in the top 10 defended in 1995.("Open", vol. 27, no. 11).

[5]. FINAL CALL FOR GUIDE ENTRIES -----------------------------------------

The first edition of the International Guide to Persons and Organisations
in the field of Grey Literature will be printed and distributed in January
1996. Information about organisations and their products and services in
the area of grey literature are now being compiled. If you wish to provide
data for this resource and have not yet done so, please use the format as
it appears, below. If you have already submitted information, but would
like to review it before it is printed, please check the Guide as it now
appears on the GreyNet Gopher.

   Name Organisation/Company : Acronym
   Name Organisation/Company : Complete
   Contact Person & Position :
   Correspondence address :
   City & Country :
   Visitors address :
   TEL :
   FAX :
   EML :
   URL :
   Grey Literature Products :
   Grey Literature Services :
   National networking (GL) :
   International networking (GL) :
    Please forward before January 15, 1996 to: GreyNet@inter.nl.net
    Fax 31-20-671.1818 | URL gopher://gopher.konbib.nl/11/greynet

[6]. GREYNET PUBLICATION ORDER FORM ---------------------------------------


[1]. GL'93 Conference Proceedings ________ x 95.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-03-6 : In Stock
[2]. GL'93 Conference Program ________ x 30.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-04-4 : In Stock
[3]. Annotated Bibliography on GL *1st Ed* ________ x 50.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-02-8 : In Stock
[4]. Bibliography on Diskette *1st Ed* ________ x 50.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-01-X : In Stock
[5]. GL'95 Conference Proceedings ________ x 95.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-08-7 : March 1996
[6]. GL'95 Conference Program ________ x 30.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-09-5 : In Stock
[7]. Annotated Bibliography on GL *2nd Ed* ________ x 50.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-10-9 : February 1996
[8]. Bibliography on Diskette *2nd Ed* ________ x 50.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-12-5 : February 1996
[9]. International Grey Literature Guide ________ x 50.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-11-7 : January 1996
[10] Seminar Notebook on Grey Literature ________ x 75.00 = ________
     ISBN 90-74854-07-9 : In Stock
[11] NewsBriefNews: Quarterly Newsletter ________ x 40.00 = ________
     ISSN 0929-0923 : Annual Subscription

Postage & Handling within Holland: DFl. 10.00 = ________

Postage & Handling outside Holland: DFl. 20.00 = ________



                                           TOTAL = DFL.

Name: ___________________________ Organisation: _______________________

Address/ Pcode/City/
P.O.Box: ________________________ Country: ____________________________


[ ] Bank/personal check enclosed and payable to TransAtlantic.
[ ] Remitted to TransAtlantic | ABN-AMRO Bank No.
         in Amsterdam, Holland
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         in Amsterdam, Holland
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         Card No. ____________________________________________________.
         The credit card expiration date is __________________________.
         If the name on the credit card is not that of the participant,
         print the name that appears on the card, here _______________.

Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_____________.

Please Forward to:
GreyNet, Koninginneweg 201, NL-1075 CR Amsterdam | Fax: 31-20-671.1818

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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 21:45:02 +0100 (MET)
From: Dominic Farace <dfarace@solair1.inter.NL.net>
Subject: GreyNet Newsletter
To: Edwin Hart <Edwin.Hart@aplmail.jhuapl.edu>
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