Yiddish character

From: Joan Aliprand (BR.JMA@RLG.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Fri Mar 22 1996 - 14:42:07 EST

REPLY TO 03/22/96 11:34 FROM EVERSON@INDIGO.IE "Michael Everson": Yiddish

Michael Everson asks:
> Has the Hebrew character HIRIQ YOD, used in Yiddish, been formally
> proposed to SC2/WG2 for inclusion in ISO 10646? I understand the UTC has
> advocated its inclusion, but the question is, has the summary form been
> submitted to WG2?

The summary form will be submitted to WG2 at the Copenhagen meeting since
it was not prepared by the deadline for the WG2 mailing.

Thank you for your concern.

-- Joan Aliprand, UTC Chair


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