Unicode Web Page - Product Listings

From: Glenn Adams (glenn@stonehand.com)
Date: Wed Nov 23 1994 - 10:22:58 EST

I am preparing the Unicode Web Home page under which will appear
a section entitled "Unicode Product Catalog". This section will
cover three areas:

- Freeware and shareware
- End-User products
- Developer and OEM products

If you provide a Unicode product that you would like listed under
one of these categories and your product is not currently listed in
the Unicode Implementation Catalog, then please send me the following:

1. name of product
2. supported platform(s)
3. availability
4. type (freeware, shareware, end-user, or OEM)
5. contact name, address, phone, email, etc.
6. Web URL pointing to product description

Thank you,
Glenn Adams
Technical Director, Unicode Consortium

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