FYI, I've submitted an internet draft to update the definition of UTF-7.
This is a compatible change. The main motivations are:
1. Clarify an unclear point in the specification. (what to do if the
first character after an encoded section is "-").
2. Register new names to support Unicode 2.0. (these are "UTF-7" [2.0 or
later] and "UNICODE-2-0-UTF-7").
David Goldsmith
From: Internet Drafts,
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
Title : A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode
Author(s) : D. Goldsmith, M. Davis
Filename : draft-goldsmith-utf7-00.txt
Pages : 15
Date : 10/16/1996
The Unicode Standard, version 2.0, and ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E) (as
jointly define a character set (hereafter referred to as Unicode) which
encompasses most of the world's writing systems. However, Internet mail
(STD 11, RFC 822) currently supports only 7-bit US ASCII as a character
set. MIME (RFC 1521 and RFC 1522) extends Internet mail to support
different media types and character sets, and thus could support Unicode
mail messages. MIME neither defines Unicode as a permitted character set
nor specifies how it would be encoded, although it does provide for the
registration of additional character sets over time.
This document describes a transformation format of Unicode that contains
only 7-bit ASCII characters and is intended to be readable by humans
in the limiting case that the document consists of characters from
the US-ASCII repertoire. It also specifies how this transformation format
is used in the context of MIME and RFC 1641, "Using Unicode with MIME".
Internet-Drafts are available by anonymous FTP. Login with the username
"anonymous" and a password of your e-mail address. After logging in,
type "cd internet-drafts" and then
"get draft-goldsmith-utf7-00.txt".
A URL for the Internet-Draft is:
Internet-Drafts directories are located at:
o Africa:
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o US East Coast:
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Internet-Drafts are also available by mail.
Send a message to: In the body type:
"FILE /internet-drafts/draft-goldsmith-utf7-00.txt".
NOTE: The mail server at can return the document in
MIME-encoded form by using the "mpack" utility. To use this
feature, insert the command "ENCODING mime" before the "FILE"
command. To decode the response(s), you will need "munpack" or
a MIME-compliant mail reader. Different MIME-compliant mail readers
exhibit different behavior, especially when dealing with
"multipart" MIME messages (i.e., documents which have been split
up into multiple messages), so check your local documentation on
how to manipulate these messages.
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