(no subject)

From: Tet Orita (81-462-73-5425) (tet@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 07 1996 - 07:16:04 EST

Since JIS 0x2141 is wave dash, it's mapped to Unicode 0x301C.
Unicode 0xFF5E is mapped to JIS X0212 0x2237 (on EUC encoding).

Tet Orita, IBM Japan
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 Date: Mon, 4 Nov 96 21:56:17 -0800
 From: unicode@Unicode.ORG
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 Reply-To: wrobel@halcyon.com (Charles Wrobel)
 Errors-To: uni-bounce@Unicode.ORG
 Subject: question on a UNICODE codepoint
 To: unicode@Unicode.ORG

 I can not find the unicode code point 0xFF5E (full width tilde)
 in any of the JIS mapping tables.

 Is this the same char as JIS 0x2141 (kuten: 0133)?
 If not does anyone know what 0xFF5E maps to?

 Charles Wrobel

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