Re: HTML - i18n / NCR & charsets

From: David Perrell (
Date: Tue Dec 03 1996 - 03:55:21 EST

Martin Bryan wrote:
> The single angle versions are ‘ and ’ respectively

I'm quite certain ‘ and ’ are the 'dot-with-a-tail' single
quotes. I haven't been able to find entity names for the single angle

ISO8879 doesn't always make sense. For example, if 'rising left double
quote' is &ldquor, shouldn't 'left double angle quote' have been
&ldquoa? It is very difficult to match some of the names with actual
characters, and vice versa. IMHO, this 'standard' could stand revision,
but as someone pointed out in fewer words: the moving finger wrote, and
having writ, deigns not to change a stinking bit.

David Perrell

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