Mail sent to wrong address

From: Stan Stein's account (
Date: Thu Dec 05 1996 - 15:44:55 EST

The following information is from: Stan Stein

I have replied to the original sender giving him the correct E-mail
address and I indicated to him that I am forwarding the message to you.
Stan Stein
The following information is being forwarded to you:
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you so much for all your mail messages. I have responded to
some of you and will be pursuing your various good pieces of advice.
However, unfortunately we suffered a computer glitch this afternoon
and I lost at least one if not several very interesting looking
messages, particularly one from a member of TC 46 concerning
transcription and transliteratioin. I apologize for the
inconvenience, but could that person or anyone else who has not
received a response from me to your message concerning SGML
implementation of UNICODE please resend your messaages to me?
Why does a system work perfectly for months and go down on a day when
I have tons of important mail??
Thanks for your patience!
Sue Ellen Wright
Institute for Applied Linguistics
Kent State University
Kent OH 44242

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