I have received many answers to my anouncement of an X keysym ->
Unicode mapping. I will send a summary after I get Marc-Antoine's
permission to make the data available (he is currently on vacation)
and after the two weeks of Christmas/New Year vacations we have
in this area of the world.
Regards, Martin.
P.S.: Marc-Antoine - Can you give me your okay?
---- Dr.sc. Martin J. Du"rst ' , . p y f g c R l / = Institut fu"r Informatik a o e U i D h T n S - der Universita"t Zu"rich ; q j k x b m w v z Winterthurerstrasse 190 (the Dvorak keyboard) CH-8057 Zu"rich-Irchel Tel: +41 1 257 43 16 S w i t z e r l a n d Fax: +41 1 363 00 35 Email: mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch ----
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