The file
contains mapping data for 8859-5 to Unicode. The tool is left as an exercise for
the reader :-)
Here is a sample line:
(I don't know why this differs from your example...)
Also you will find many other mapping files for 8859, Windows, MacOS, etc.
Subject: Re: unicode <-> hex converter
From: Tom Garland SMI European Software Centre <
tgarland@elc4.Ireland.Sun.COM> at ~Internet
Date: 1/15/97 6:36 AM
I'm trying to find out the Unicode values of characters in ISO-8859-5. I
have a file which contains 8859-5 hex values for these characters. Is there
a tool that will take as input :-
1. codeset (in this case 8859-5)
2. input file name
and create an output file containing the Unicode values for the characters
represented in hex in the input file.
For example
\xb2 in ISO-8859-5 is cyrillic capital letter PE
The unicode value of cyrillic capital letter PE is \u041F
In this case the converter should map \xb2 to \u041F
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