unicode@Unicode.ORG wrote:
> Hi Unicoders,
> Netscape has offered to place plugs for the Tenth International Unicode
> Conference on their international web sites. We have been asked to
> provide a suitable piece of text in all major European languages. Are
> there any volunteer translators out there who would like to help?
> Translations we receive will be included on the Conference Web site
> and will be passed on to Netscape for inclusion on their Web sites.
> We'll also consider including Unicode versions of the translations on
> the Conference Web site.
> The text to be translated is:
> Europe, Software + the Internet: Going Global with Unicode
> Register now for the Tenth International Unicode Conference, to be
> held on March 10-12, 1997, in Mainz, Germany. The Conference will
> bring together industry-wide experts on the global Internet and
> Unicode, internationalization and localization, implementation of
> Unicode in operating systems and applications, fonts, text layout,
> and multilingual computing.
Traditional Chinese (BIG5):
Frank Tang Internationaliztion Engineer
(415) 937-2913 Netscape Communication Corp
about:ftang http://home.netscape.com/people/ftang
685-1 E. Middlefield Rd
Mountain View, CA 94043
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