IUC10 - Help for hardship cases

From: Gregor Erbach (erbach@dfki.uni-sb.de)
Date: Thu Jan 23 1997 - 09:50:30 EST

Misha Wolf wrote:
> In the appended mail, the Vice President of the Library Automation Association
> of Georgia (the country, not the US state) appeals for financial help to enable
> a delegate to attend the Tenth International Unicode Conference in Germany.

> I am writing this mail to ask whether any of you are in a position to encourage
> your employer to sponsor one (or more) such hardship cases. This sponsorship
> would, of course, be acknowledged on the Conference Web site. The amounts
> needed are not very large. In the Georgian case we're talking of the Conference
> registration fee of $775 [...]

Irakli Garibashvili wrote:
> >Unfortunately conference fee is impossibly high for our newly independent
> >country.
> >Could you clear for us if Organization Committee of the 10-th UNICODE
> >conference could allow one participant from Georgia for free or at least for
> >less acceptance fee?

couldn't you encourage the organisers of the Unicode conference to offer
a greatly reduced rate for participants from economically disadvantaged
countries? I'm sure that Mr. Garibashvili is not the only one who is in
this situation. I believe the financial loss to the conference organisers
would be minimal since many potential participants from such countries
just could not pay the higher rates (which amounts of several months'
up to several years' salary).


[apologies if this message was inappropriate for any of the mailing
lists I sent it to.]

Gregor Erbach e-mail: erbach@cl.dfki.uni-sb.de
DFKI GmbH phone: +49 681 302 5288
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 fax: +49 681 302 4351
D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany http://cl-www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~erbach

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