RE: articles relating to Unicode

From: Richard K. Jessop (
Date: Tue Jan 28 1997 - 15:28:48 EST

At 08:30 PM 1/24/97 -0800, you wrote:
>"Unicode also has the capability to partially address a 31-bit code
>space, known as the ISO 10646 standard, which is capable of representing
>2.1 million characters, enough to encode virtually every written
>The "which" is a little ambiguous, but we know it must refer to
>"Unicode" and not to "31-bit code space". Even so, Unicode's extended
>address space via UTF-16 is 65536 + 1024*1024 = 1114112, which is a lot
>but it's less than 2.1 million.

2 to the 31 is 2.1 billion.

2 to the 10's is in the thousands (Kilo)
2 to the 20's is in the millions (Mega)
2 to the 30's is in the billions (Giga)

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