>Uh... in this context, perhaps you meant "... three separate SENSES of the
>(Englisch) word 'case'." :-)
>Mark Leisher
You are right, Mark! Mind you, when choosing to employ the word 'sense' in
the above context, one should remember that, of the many senses a word may
have, one or two of them may even be 'non-'.
-- Marion Gunn, Everson Gunn Teoranta 27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn; Baile an Bhóthair; Co. Átha Cliath; Éire Gutháin: +353 1 478-2597, +353 1 283-9396 http://www.indigo.ie/egt 15 Port Chaeimhghein Íochtarach; Baile Átha Cliath 2; Éire (Ireland)
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