Yes, I didn't mean to imply that we didn't know how to do it, just that
we didn't do it this time. Better would be if the LANG attribute was
used, but we do not do a LANG->font mapping either. Can't do everything
after all...otherwise there'd be nothing to work on next time around,
??? : Martin J. Duerst []
???? : 09? 2? 8? ??? ?? 09:46
?? : Chris Pratley
CC : unicode@Unicode.ORG
?? : Re: ?: Unicode Web pages
> One other thing that Word does not do is determine of
some text is
> Traditional or Simplified Chinese, or Japanese. These
are unified ranges,
> so without a font tag, it cannot pick a font that is
appropriate for that
> text.
Well, there is consideral overlap, but there are many
without overlap. This makes it easy even for dumb
whether something is Simplified or Traditional Chinese
or Japanese
(or Korean or Vietnamese, for that matter). I think the
idea is
originally from Glenn Adams, and it works except for
very short
texts such as single words and very tightly mixed texts.
Regards, Martin.
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