Keld J|rn Simonsen wrote on 1997-07-19 18:29 UTC:
> I am looking for a browser with support in fonts for more than just
> 8859-1, at least latin, cyrillic and greek scripts. Are there browsers
> that can do that? My platforms are win3.1 win95 and Linux.
In case you are looking for a Unicode font for Linux/X11, then try
Author: Primoz Peterlin <>,
who used Naoto Nakanashi's ETL fonts from MULE project to create
this Unicode font file.
For those of you who want to have a quick look at this X11
Unicode font but are not very experienced with X, here are my
installation steps:
mkdir ~/Fonts
cd ~/Fonts
gunzip -c etl-unicode.tar.gz | tar xvf -
bdftopcf -o etl14-unicode.pcf etl14-unicode.bdf
bdftopcf -o etl16-unicode.pcf etl16-unicode.bdf
bdftopcf -o etl24-unicode.pcf etl24-unicode.bdf
mkfontdir .
xset fp+ ~/Fonts
and in order to see the first new Unicode font fly, just enter
xfd -fn -etl-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-70-iso10646-1
If you tell Netscape Communicator 4.0 for Linux to use this font, then
I would expect that you can display part of MES, but for instance many
of the accented greek characters are still missing from this public
domain font. Warning: I haven't tried this yet myself with Netscape 4.0!
-- Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Science grad student, Purdue University, Indiana, USA -- email:
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