John H. Jenkins wrote:
> On 8/19/97 12:32 PM, Vincent DelGobbo ( wrote:
> >
> >Well, I am not very Mac literate. I am trying to view
> >HTML files that contain Unicode NCRs via Mac browsers
> >(IE 3.01, Netscape 4.01, Cyberdog 2.0). Not one of
> >them will render my page but Netscape 4.01 for Win95
> >handles if fine using the Cyberbit font. I moved a
> >copy of the font to the Mac and converted it, but
> >the Mac version of Netscape still would not render
> >the NCRs (e.g., │ was rendered as a "?").
> >
> Then Netscape doesn't know what to do with it.
> Again, right now, the only way to draw Unicode directly on the Mac is to
> use QuickDraw GX, and none of the browsers do that.
> The Unicode can be drawn indirectly by converting it to a Mac script and
> then drawing *that*, and only Cyberdog does so.
No!!! Cyberdog is not the ONLY one which did that. Netscape Communicator
also do that.
> When UIS is released, the browsers will be able to take advantage of it.
> Just converting the Cyberbit font and installing it won't do any good in
> and of itself, because none of the current browsers know how to take
> advantage of it.
> =====
> John H. Jenkins
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