Both NT4 and Win95 Korean versions use "UHC" as the character repertoire for
cp949. (Win95 actually runs with this code page internally, NT4 converts to
Unicode for internal operations)
Chester, if you have Korean characters in an Office97 doc that display on
NT4 but not on Win95, please reply to me and let me know the Unicode points,
or ideally send me the document. There should be no Hangul characters we
cannot display on Win95 KOR. This was the whole point of doing UHC: support
all Hangul characters with a simple code range extension of KS C 5601 - 1987
to maintain backward compatibility with older applications.
There is a known limitation of Asian versions of Win95 that it cannot
display characters outside the system code page _within the same font_. You
can use different fonts to display those characters, but if you try to use a
full Unicode font (like Bitstream Cyberbit), you will be limited to the
characters that fall within the system code page on Win95. This is fixed in
Win98 as someone else noted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chester, Bernard []
Sent: Monday, December 08, 1997 11:19 AM
To: Multiple Recipients of
Subject: RE: Understanding the Hangul mapping tables
I have Korean Windows 95 and NT 4.0 running, and they are not
Windows 95 supports KSC 5601-1987; NT 4.0 supports Codepage 949
This creates the interesting problem that a document created with MS
Office 97 on NT 4 can contain characters that will not display
on Windows 95 running Office 97.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seong-Woong Kim []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 1997 7:46 PM
> To: Multiple Recipients of
> Subject: Re: Understanding the Hangul mapping tables
> Tim Greenwood wrote
> > Column 3 from the Hangul file matches column 1 from the Ksc5601
> file - this
> > is reasonable since they are both labeled 'Unified Hangul'. How
> this
> > relate to the Column 4 Johab, which is labeled as KSC5601-1992 ?
> > Ken Lunde's book describes the byte range for Ksc5601-1992 as
> for both
> > bytes. The range in the Unified Hangul tables is 81-FD for byte
> and 41-FF
> > for byte 2.
> > How does it all fit together? What are the actual codes that a
> Korean
> > browser will emit ?
> Korean Standard KS C 5601 - 1987 only included Wansung Hangul.
> In 1992 Korean govenment revised it to KS C 5601 - 1992.
> KS C 5601 - 1992 newly included Johab Hangul as Annex 3.
> As we know, Unifiled Hangul was from Microsoft. It is MS's own
> extention including Wansung Hangul that enables us to use
> 11,172 Hangul characters.
> So, Ken's information is right partly.
> The byte range for KS C 5601 - 1992 - Wansung is A1-FE for both
> But the byte range for KS C 5601 - 1992 Annex 3 - Johab is
> First byte range Second byte range
> Hangul: 84h - D3h 41h-7Eh, 81h-FEh
> User-defined area: D8h 31h-7Eh, 91h-FEh
> Etc.: D9h-DEh 31h-7Eh, 91h-FEh
> Hanja: E0h-F9h 31h-7Eh, 91H-FEh
> Wansung Hangul and Johab Hangul are different.
> They have same characters(Hangul, Hanja, Etc.) on different
> code points.
> As I know, Korean Windows 95, NT is based of Unicode, and
> implement Unified Hangul including Wansung Hangul on top of it,
> Unicode.
> ____________________________________________________________
> Seong-Woong Kim (Daniel Kim)
> Computer Science graduate student
> Parallel Programming Languages and Systems Laboratory
> Computer Science Sogang University Seoul, Korea
> To know God and to make Him known... - Worshiping Warrior
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