Re: European Currency Symbol

From: N A Prakash (
Date: Thu Feb 12 1998 - 01:34:39 EST

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Bernard CHOMBART wrote:

> Texte du message écrit par Mark Leisher 
> >I do not think abuse was intended. At any rate, I did not take it as
> abuse.
> Dear Mr. Leisher,
> Your reaction is nicely smart, and the
> proof by itself that I was wrong.
> So that I've to chastise myself and present
> to you my apologies.
> I was just shot upset by your joke.
> From a far end somewhere in France
> (not from Québec):
> Please, could you consider that English
> speakers are not alone on this planet ?
> That's all.
> Vous priant encore d'excuser mon inélégance,
> B. Chombart.
> (informaticien au chômage)

Well, well, well.... And I thought this was a case of *language
difficulty*, especially coming as it did in the wake of the
misinterpretable gestures discussion! Actually I thought M. Chombart was
making a philosophical point about the act of thinking, and stumbled into
wrong (?) syntax. In any case, Chombart is indeed talking about
difficulties among languages, or people of different languages. Perhaps
this tells us there is no *unicode* in these matters, and these things

--N.A. Prakash, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India

ps: I'm a complete novice in Unicode and related stuff, but subscribed
out of curiosity and am finding the discussions very interesting.

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