On Thu, 12 Mar 1998, Alain [UNKNOWN-8BIT] LaBonté wrote:
> A 04:17 98-03-12 -0800, Jeroen Hellingman a écrit :
> >his field of knowledge, ASCII can be overseen, but Unicode is too large
> >for most people to oversee the effects of a range selection.
> [Alain] :
> Even ASCII range is problematic in English...
> "A to Z" does not imply "a to z", does it ?
> One should not expect the end-user to know what is under the hood!
No, the end-user in this case only needs to ask for capital letters
A to Z, and the programmer (the library writer) should know what
bracket regular expression to use.
Sadly, in reality, programmers have not completely moved away from the
mode of programming for themselves....
> And "A to z" leads to no hit in EBCDIC, while "a to Z" will leads to no hit
> in ASCII!
> Alain LaBonté
> Québec
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