FW: HELP !!! Symbol

From: Julia Oesterle (Unicode) (v-juliao@microsoft.com)
Date: Mon Aug 31 1998 - 16:38:49 EDT

Question regarding problem of :How print the symbol: --¦+++++¦-
MS Word and Adobe question. Can anyone help him on this?
Julia O

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JeffersoN Guimarães [SMTP:engeware@infocad.com.br]
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 1998 8:21 AM
> To: info@unicode.org
> Subject: HELP !!! Symbol
> Why the font Courier New, in the Word is: --¦+++++¦-
> And in the Paper/Print or in file as .PDF (Adobe) is diferent ?? e.g.
> --¦+++++¦-
>  How print the symbol: --¦+++++¦-

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