Re: NT conversion functions

From: Lee JaeKil (
Date: Wed Sep 02 1998 - 05:22:29 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Anupam Sharma
To: Unicode List
Date: Wednesday, September 02, 1998 5:46 PM
Subject: NT conversion functions

+AD4- can anybody answer my following queries--+AD4-
+AD4-1)What encoding scheme(s) does Windows-NT follow?
Native NT uses UCS-2 as its primary code.
Others are supported using codepage and by application.

+AD4-2)Does Windows-NT have some conversion functions for converting
+AD4-different code-set(like UCS-2,UCS-4,UTF-8,SJIS,EUC-JP e.t.c) to each
+AD4-other? like what SunOS and HP-UX are having.
Use MultiByteToWideChar to convert from UCS-2 to UTF7, UTF8, SJIS, etc. vice
UTF7's codepage is CP+AF8-UTF7 +AD0- 65000 and
UTF8's codepage is CP+AF8-UTF8 +AD0- 65001.
SJIS's codepage is 932.

EUC-JP is not supported by OS but Internet explorer support it.

+AD4- And if it has then from where i will get the detail information.
Lee JaeKil :

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