In agreement with the Unicode ftp stie, Microsoft internal 1252 tables have
(added in June, 1997)
0x80 Euro
0x8E Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron
0x9E Latin Small Letter Z with Caron
No character currently occupies 0x8F (or several others in the 0x80 - 0x9F
range). Win98 is up-to-date with these tables. Recent service packs update
NT 4.0 and Win95.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 1998 2:52 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: cp1252 sanity check
> A while back there were some emails that noted that Microsoft's code page
> 1252 had Capital Letter Z with Caron added at location 0x8E and the Small
> letter at 0x8F.
> However, if I look at the the unicode conversion table cp1252.txt
> in the Unicode ftp site public/mappings/vendors/microsoft/windows, the
> characters are mapped to 0x8e and 0x9e. This actually makes a little more
> sense as the upper and lower cases of other characters have the same
> separation, but contradicts the mail messages here.
> Can anyone confidently answer which location is correct for the small Z
> with caron?
> Which products have this updated 1252? Do I need a service pack or win
> 98, so I can confirm for myslef which is right?
> tex
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tex Texin Director, International Products
> Progress Software Corp. Voice: +1-781-280-4271
> 14 Oak Park Fax: +1-781-280-4949
> Bedford, MA 01730 USA
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sept. 28-30, 1998 European Users Conference London, England
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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