I suppose you could say there was a deliberate decision not to include them,
because I was the DEC representative to the UTC at the time Unicode 1.0 was
being formulated, and we went out of our way NOT to request their inclusion
:-) .
F. Avery Bishop
Program Manager, Multilingual Developer Communications
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick McGowan [SMTP:rmcgowan@apple.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 1998 1:07 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: Re: Missing DEC VT100 graphics characters
> > It might be nice to have equivalents for those in Unicode as well
> > (probably in the U+259X range). Have they just been forgotten or was
> > there a deliberate decision not to include them?
> Well... I think User Space sounds like a fine place to put the VT100
> "horizontal line scan" glyphs. The only use these will ever have is in
> VT emulation, where they will be program-generated for display purposes.
> I would suspect they were not left out of the original standard with any
> prejudice; probably just overlooked or never came up as desirable or
> necessary. They could have been "conveniently overlooked", but I doubt
> there
> was any such deliberation.
> Rick
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