A revised version of TR6 including revised and expanded sample code
has been released. The new revision number is 2.0.
The TR can be accessed via http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr6
The sample files reside on ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/SCSU
There is one change to SCSU.java which fixes a bug that caused a deviation
from the specification. (One of the starting table entries did not correspond
to the values in table X-5). If you have used the sample implementation to
verify the results of your own implementation, you may need to make the
same adjustment. Since the specification is unchanged, this is not
considered a technical change to the TR.
Similarily, a constant in table X-3 was corrected. However, since the
correct value was clear from context (and was also contained in the sample
code) this is not considered a technical change to the TR.
Some of the examples had outdated / incorrect information and have been
corrected. An additional example has been added. Several typos have been
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