What should the "customary and familiar mnemonic" be?
One of my concerns is that the names for the EBCDIC controls seemed to vary
from device to device and with different editions of the IBM "green card"
(System/360 Reference Summary) (and "yellow card" and "pink card"). I'm
unsure how much of this has solidified and/or disappeared with IBM's SNA
devices because I have not looked at any of this in over 10 years.
Ed Hart
From: Frank da Cruz [SMTP:fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu]
Sent: 08 October, 1998 13:37
To: Unicode List
Subject: RE: Terminal Graphics Draft 2
. . .
I'm sure we could also find other examples of control characters
in the C1 and EBCDIC sets whose semantics are the same or close
but whose names differ; I don't think that means we should unify
them. The purpose of "display controls" is to show the customary
and familiar mnemonic for each control character in its context so
people can read them easily.
- Frank
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