Frank da Cruz wrote:
> 5.0. Unicode Control Pictures
> Notes:
> (1) There is no known need for these symbols when emulating current
> terminals. In the future, if/when terminals are based on Unicode, they
> might be useful in that context. In the meantime, makers of word
> processors, Web browsers, etc, might have a use for these glyphs.
I agree with Rick: don't propose characters that someone might need
someday. There are quite enough characters, and indeed whole
scripts, that are not yet available!
> 2421 7F DEL DT Symbol for Delete (3)
> (3) Not, strictly speaking, a control character, but not a visible
> one either.
DEL is a control character in every sense, despite its position at 7F.
> 5.3. EBCDIC Control Pictures
Note: the EBCDIC/Unicode mapping tables at the Unicode FTP site
map the EBCDIC-specific controls onto the C1 space, but the mapping
seems to make no sense. For example, EBCDIC 09 (Superscript)
is mapped to Unicode 008D (Reverse Line Feed). Why?
> 5.4. IBM 3270 Terminal Orders and Controls
> Names for IBM 3270 terminal orders and controls [27] that are not already
> listed in Tables 5.1-5.3 are shown in Table 5.4, to be used in debugging
> 3270 data streams. Columns are as in the previous tables, except the Type
> column, in which:
> O = 3270 Terminal Order [27,Table 4-1]
> D = 3270 Terminal Order in normal display [27,p.E-3]
> L = LU 1 SCS Control Codes [27,Table 8-2]
> F = 3270 Format Control Order [27,Table 4-3]
> Table 5.4: 3270 Control Characters
> Code Val Name Type Description
> E070 1D SF O Symbol for Start Field
> E071 11 SBA O Symbol for Set Buffer Address
> E072 2C MF O Symbol for Modify Field
> E073 13 IC O Symbol for Insert Cursor
> E074 05 PT O Symbol for Program Tab
> E075 3C RA O Symbol for Repeat to Address
> E076 12 EUA O Symbol for Erase to Unprotected Address
> E077 04 VCS L Symbol for Vertical Channel Select
> E078 14 ENP L Symbol for Enable Presentation
> E079 24 INP L Symbol for Inhibit Presentation
> E07A 2B FMT L Symbol for Format
> E07B 1C DUP F Symbol for Duplicate
> E07C 1C DUP D Overscore asterisk (1)
> E07D 1E FM F Symbol for Field Mark
> E07E 1E FM D Overscore semicolon (1)
> E07F FF EO F Symbol for Eight Ones
> Notes:
> (1) When displayed "as itself".
> Summary:
> 16 new characters, E070-E07F.
> 5.5. 3270 Terminal Operator Status Indicators
> The IBM 3270 terminal displays a variety of unique glyphs in its Operator
> Information Area [15, Figure A-4]. Although they are not encoded in any IBM
> character set (known to me), they nevertheless appear on the screen, and are
> therefore required for accurate terminal emulation. These glyphs are listed
> in Table 5.5.
> Table 5.5: 3270 Terminal Operator Status Indicators
> Code Description
> E080 Human stick figure
> E081 Human stick figure in box
> E082 Clock at 6:10 (or 1:30)
> E083 White rectangle with stroke (1)
> E084 Black rectangle with stroke (2)
> E085 Lighting with stroke (3)
> E086 Security key (4)
> E087 Black and White Right-Pointing Triangles (5)
> Notes:
> (1) A rectangle like the one at U+25AD with an oblique stroke through it.
> Note that "white" and "black" are used in the sense of the Unicode
> standard, and do not imply any particular colors or measure of goodness.
> (2) A rectangle like the one at U+25AC with an oblique stroke through it.
> (3) A horizontal lightning symbol with an oblique stroke through it.
> (4) A picture of a key (indicating the keyboard is locked).
> (5) Like U+25B8 and U+25B9 in the same cell, arranged horizontally, left
> to right, like a double right-pointing arrowhead, used as a
> supplementary indicator.
> In many cases, black and/or white rectangles (U+25AD, U+25AC, U+E083,
> U+E084) are connected with a centered horizontal line such as the one at
> U+2500; two rectangles connected this way generally symbolize a 3270
> terminal with a printer attached. Figure 5.5 shows an example. The font
> designer must ensure that a sequence: rectangle, line, rectangle, results in
> a pair of connected rectangles.
> Figure 5.5: Connected Rectangles
> +--------+ +--------+
> | |------| |
> +--------+ +--------+
> Summary:
> 8 new characters, E080-E087
> 5.6. Additional Control-Like Pictures
> Table 5.6 shows additional characters that are (or are likely to be)
> included in "display controls" mode on various terminals.
> Table 5.6: Additional Control-Like Pictures
> Code Name Description
> E090 LS1 Symbol for Locking Shift 1 (1)
> E091 LS0 Symbol for Locking Shift 0 (2)
> E092 CEX Symbol for Control Extension (3)
> E093 IS4 Symbol for Information Separator 4 (4)
> E094 IS3 Symbol for Information Separator 3 (5)
> E095 IS2 Symbol for Information Separator 2 (6)
> E096 IS1 Symbol for Information Separator 1 (7)
> E097 CL Symbol for Cancel Line (8)
> E098 Picture of Bell (9)
> E099 BP Word Processing Symbol BP (10)
> E09A BE Word Processing Symbol BE (10,11)
> E09B FN Word Processing Symbol FN (10)
> E09C FE Word Processing Symbol FE (10,11)
> E09D HF Word Processing Symbol BP (10)
> 2426 Symbol for Substitute Form Two (Reverse Question Mark) (12)
> Notes:
> (1) ISO name for SO [18].
> (2) ISO name for SI [18].
> (3) From JIS C 6225-1979 / ISO # 74 [28].
> (4) ISO Name for FS [18].
> (5) ISO Name for GS [18].
> (6) ISO Name for RS [18].
> (7) ISO Name for US [18].
> (8) Used on HP terminals [11.12].
> (9) Used on HP terminals in place of Symbol for BEL (U+2407) [11].
> (10) From the Data General Word Processing Set [2].
> (11) Conflict/Coincidence with Hex Byte; see Note (3) in Section 4.
> (12) The upright reverse question mark is used by DEC VT terminals to
> indicate that an invalid code was received. It also stands for SUB
> and/or RS in Wyse display controls mode [25,26], and is the glyph for
> 0xFF in the Televideo Multinational Character Set [23]. And it is also
> a glyph in the DG Special Graphics Character Set [2]. This one is not
> in Unicode at present, but is encoded in Amendment 18 to ISO 10646 at
> the code point shown, with the requisite shape of reverse question mark.
> Summary:
> 14 characters, E090-E09D.
> Section 5 Summary:
> Unicode Controls: 32 new characters, E000-E01F
> C0 Controls: 0 new characters
> C1 Controls: 32 new characters, E020-E03F
> EBCDIC Controls: 33 new characters, E040-E060
> 3270 Controls: 16 new characters, E070-E07F
> 3270 Indicators: 8 new characters, E080-E087
> Misc Controls: 14 new characters, E090-E09E
> Total Control Pics: 135
> Unicode has a generous supply of math symbols, and no doubt more are in the
> works. And of course it also includes the Latin, Greek, Fraktur, Hebrew,
> and other letters used in mathematical notation.
> However, terminal emulators also need special glyphs designed to be joined
> together in adjacent character cells, vertically or horizontally, to form
> large math symbols such as integrals, summation signs, braces, or brackets,
> such as the integral top and bottom that already exist at U+2320 and U+2321.
> Several other single-cell characters are also missing, including the small
> radical sign from the DEC Technical character set. Table 6.1 lists the
> needed characters, along with suggested temporary codes for them. At least
> one real terminal reference is shown for each character, in column/row
> notation, or an IBM Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) [14].
> Legend:
> SB = Square Bracket
> UL = Upper Left
> LL = Lower Left
> UR = Upper Right
> LR = Lower Right
> Table 6.1: Math Symbols for Terminals
> Code Description Reference
> E0A0 Extensible left brace middle DEC Tech 02/15
> E0A1 Extensible left parenthesis bottom DEC Tech 02/12, IBM SS210000
> E0A2 Extensible left parenthesis top DEC Tech 02/11, IBM SS200000
> E0A3 Extensible left SB bottom DEC Tech 02/08
> E0A4 Extensible left SB top DEC Tech 02/07
> E0A5 Extensible right brace middle DEC Tech 03/00
> E0A6 Extensible UR or LL brace section IBM SS240000
> E0A7 Extensible LR or UL brace section IBM SS250000
> E0A8 Extensible right parenthesis bottom DEC Tech 02/14, IBM SS230000
> E0A9 Extensible right parenthesis top DEC Tech 02/13, IBM SS220000
> E0AA Extensible right SB bottom DEC Tech 02/10
> E0AB Extensible right SB top DEC Tech 02/08
> E0AC Summation symbol bottom DEC Tech 03/02, DG Math 01/09(1)
> E0AD Summation symbol top DEC Tech 03/01, DG Math 01/08(1)
> E0AE Right ceiling corner DEC Tech 03/05
> E0AF Right floor corner DEC Tech 03/06
> E0B0 Radical symbol, small DEC Tech 00/01
> E0B1 Radical symbol with stroke DG Math 01/13
> E0B2 Superscript Latin small letter i SNI Math 03/00
> E0B3 Latin small letter a with underbar SNI Math 04/04 (2)
> E0B4 Latin capital letter O with underbar SNI Math 04/09 (2)
> E0B5 Superscript almost-equal-to sign SNI IBM 06/12
> E0B6 Superscript capital Greek letterSigma SNI IBM 06/13
> E0B7 Superscript infinity sign SNI IBM 07/12
> E0B8 Superscript proportional-to sign SNI IBM 07/13
> References:
> DEC Tech = Digital Equipment Corporation Technical Character Set [5]
> SNI Math = Siemens Nixdorf Mathematisch [21]
> SNI IBM = Siemens Nixdorf IBM [21]
> DG Math = Data General Word-Processing, Greek, and Math Character Set [2]
> IBM = IBM Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) [14]
> Notes:
> (1) Also GCGID SS280000 and SS29000.
> (2) These are like feminine and masculine ordinal, respectively, but full
> size, not superscripts.
> Summary: 25 new characters, E0A0-E0B8.
> A particular need addressed by this proposal is the continued ability to
> support (sometimes mission-critical) terminal-based forms-filling
> applications that also require entry and display of international
> characters, as terminals are replaced by PCs. So far, Unicode has provided
> the international characters, but not necessarily all the needed
> character-cell based forms-drawing capabilities.
> Some terminals have vertical and horizontal lines that are not centered
> within the character cell, and currently not found in Unicode. Others have
> black rectangles or other shapes not found in the U+2580 block.
> Table 7.1 lists the additional line, box, and block characters needed to
> emulate the target terminals.
> Abbreviations:
> V = Vertical
> H = Horizontal
> L = Left
> R = Right
> LL = Lower Left
> LR = Lower Right
> UL = Upper Left
> UR = Upper Right
> Terminology:
> Quadrant
> A black rectangle filling one quarter of a cell, with one corner in the
> center and the opposite corner at a corner of the cell. So "Quadrant UL"
> is the upper left quadrant; "Quadrant UL and UR" is the top half of the
> cell (which happens to be coincident with U+2580 and so is not included
> here).
> Line
> Refers to a line that extends all the way to opposite edge(s) of a cell,
> designed to be joined to (a) line(s) in the adjacent cell(s).
> Bar
> Refers to a horizontal line that does not touch any cell edges.
> Wedge
> Refers to a character cell with a diagonal line connecting opposite
> corners, dividing it into two triangles; one black, the other white; the
> wedge is the black part. Thus an UL Wedge is similar to U+25E9, except it
> fills the entire character cell.
> Framus
> (Pick a better word!) is a shape composed of two triangles with their
> points meeting at the center of the cell to form an X with bars across the
> top and bottom, closing the open ends. A black framus has the two
> triangles filled in; a white one is in outline form. A framus with center
> bar has a horizontal line through the center of the cell.
> Figure 7.1: "Framus" Glyphs
> White Black With Bar
> ******* ******* *******
> * * ***** * *
> * * *** * *
> * * *********
> * * *** * *
> * * ***** * *
> ******* ******* *******
> Table 7.1: Additional Line, Box, and Block Characters
> Code Description References
> E0D0 L V box line, extensible H19 07/12 (1)
> E0D1 R V box line, extensible H19 07/13 (1)
> E0D2 UL Wedge H19 07/02, IBM SF870000
> E0D3 UR Wedge H19 05/14, IBM SF860000
> E0D4 LL Wedge IBM SF850000
> E0D5 LR Wedge IBM SF840000
> E0D6 H line - Scan 1 DSG 06/15, H19 07/10, WG3 05/00, TVI 09/00
> E0D7 H line - Scan 3 DSG 07/00, Wyse ANSI 01/01, WG3 05/00
> E0D8 H line - Scan 5 DSG 07/01, Wyse ANSI 02/02 (2)
> E0D9 H line - Scan 7 DSG 07/02, Wyse ANSI 01/03, WG3 05/01
> E0DA H line - Scan 9 DSG 07/03, H19 07/11, WG3 05/01, TVI 09/01
> E0DB Quadrant LL H19 06/13, WG3 05/05, TVI 09/05
> E0DC Quadrant LR H19 06/12, WG3 05/04, TVI 09/04
> E0DD Quadrant UL H19 06/14, WG3 05/06, TVI 09/06
> E0DE Quadrant UL and LL and LR WG3 05/11, TVI 09/11
> E0DF Quadrant UL and LR H19 06/10 (3)
> E0E0 Quadrant UL and UR and LL WG3 05/12, TVI 09/12
> E0E1 Quadrant UL and UR and LR WG3 05/13, TVI 09/13
> E0E2 Quadrant UR H19 111, WG3 83, TVI 09/03
> E0E3 Quadrant UR and LL (for completeness)
> E0E4 Quadrant UR and LL and LR WG3 05/14, TVI 09/14
> E0E5 Full black diamond TVI 09/02 (4)
> E0E6 Black framus DGM 06/08
> E0E7 Black framus + H center bar DGM 06/09
> E0E8 White framus DGM 06/10
> E0E9 White framus + H center bar DGM 06/11
> E0EA R & L arrow to V center bar DGM 03/13
> E0EB Up arrow to H center line DGL 02/12
> E0EC R arrow to V center line DGL 02/13
> E0ED L arrow to V center line DGL 02/14
> E0EE Down arrow to H center line DGL 02/12
> E0EF Box drawing double dash H DGL 03/12 (5)
> References:
> DGM = Data General Word-Processing, Greek, and Math Character Set [2]
> DGL = Data General Line Drawing Character Set [2]
> DSG = The DEC Special Graphics Character Set [5]
> H19 = The Heath/Zenith 19 Graphics Character Set [10]
> WG3 = The Wyse Graphics 3 Character Set [25]
> TVI = The Televideo 965 Multinational Character Set [23]
> IBM = Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) [14]
> Wyse ANSI = Wyse 60 "Standard ANSI", "UK ANSI", and "ANSI Graphics" [25]
> Notes:
> (1) The vertical box lines are near, but not touching, the left and right
> edges of the cell, respectively, and are two pixels thick on the H19
> screen. Similar to IBM GCID SF640000 and SF650000, respectively.
> (2) A centered horizontal is already in Unicode U+2500, but this one might
> need to be encoded separately if existing one does not mesh well with
> other line and box characters.
> (3) Only on Zenith models, not original Heathkits.
> (4) Full black diamond, with points touching center of each cell wall.
> (5) Similar to U+2504 but double rather than triple.
> Also note that Quadrants UL+UR, UR+LR, LL+LR, UL+LL (half blocks) are
> already encoded at block U+2580.
> Summary:
> 32 New glyphs, Range E0D0 to E0EF.
> The selection of characters presented in this draft is far from
> comprehensive. Hundreds of other terminals from the past 30+ years are
> likely to have glyphs or entire character sets covered neither here nor
> in Unicode, and these might or might not be important in some application
> somewhere. Readers are invited, therefore, to propose any needed
> additions, bearing in mind that Unicode code space is not unlimited.
> Several character sets found in the references consulted are ignored here,
> fully or in part, due to lack of motivation (nobody has ever asked us, in
> our role of terminal emulator maker, to support them). Obviously these, and
> any other missing sets (such as the many Videotex/Teletex/etc mosaic sets),
> can be considered if there is a demand.
> Siemens Nixdorf Facet
> A set of 95 mosaic graphics, but not resembling any of the ISO Videotex
> mosaic sets; difficult to describe.
> Siemens Nixdorf Klammern (Brackets)
> A set of 95 assorted blobs, bracket and brace pieces, clocks, arrows,
> hourglasses, and Greek letters, some of which are unique; others can be
> unified with existing Unicode characters or characters in this proposal.
> Hewlett Packard Line Drawing
> Mostly coincident with Unicode box-drawing set at U+2500, but with a
> handful of unique characters, such as single-to-triple box intersections,
> single-to-double intersections with wide spacing, etc. These should be
> mappable to existing U+25xx glyphs without causing riots in the streets.
> Hewlett Packard Big Character Pieces
> Thick line segments for drawing large characters, used on the HP-2648.
> If all the proposed new characters are added to the UCS, this will enable
> terminal emulators to fully handle at least the following terminal character
> sets, which were not previously covered in full:
> ASCII/ISO Display Controls for DEC, Hewlett Packard, Televideo, and others.
> EBCDIC Display Controls for the IBM 3270
> Hexadecimal debugging
> DEC Technical
> DEC Special Graphics
> Data General Word-Processing, Greek, and Math (1)
> Data General Line Drawing
> Heath/Zenith 19 Graphics
> Hewlett Packard 2621 and HPTERM
> Siemens Nixdorf's "IBM" set (plus parts of its Klammern and Facet sets)
> Televideo Multinational
> Wyse Graphics 3 (Graphics 1 and 2 were already covered)
> Wyse "Standard ANSI", "UK ANSI", and "ANSI Graphics"
> Notes:
> (1) Except the DG logo character, which is presumed off limits.
> Terminals supporting these character sets are numerous indeed. An
> incomplete list includes: DEC VT100, VT102, VT220/240, VT320/330/340, VT420,
> VT520/525; Data General 210, 215, 217, 413, and 463; the Heath / Zenith 19;
> the Perkin Elmer 550 and 1100; and numerous Televideo and Wyse models.
> The new characters proposed in this document are listed in Table 10.1.
> Priorities:
> For terminal emulation the most important categories are, in descending order:
> 1. Line, Box, and Block characters
> 2. Extensible math symbols
> 3. C1 and EBCDIC control pictures
> 4. Hex bytes
> For adding debugging capabilities to Unicode applications in general:
> 1. Hex bytes
> 2. Unicode control pictures
> 3. C1 and EBCDIC control pictures
> Table 10.1: Census of New Characters
> Code Description
> E000 Symbol for En Quad
> E001 Symbol for Em Quad
> E002 Symbol for En Space
> E003 Symbol for Em Space
> E004 Symbol for Three-Per-Em-Space
> E005 Symbol for Four-Per-Em-Space
> E006 Symbol for Six-Per-Em-Space
> E007 Symbol for Figure Space
> E008 Symbol for Punctuation Space
> E009 Symbol for Thin Space
> E00A Symbol for Hair Space
> E00B Symbol for Zero-Width Space
> E00C Symbol for Zero-Width Non-Joiner
> E00D Symbol for Zero-Width Joiner
> E00E Symbol for Left-to-Right Mark
> E00F Symbol for Right-to-Left Mark
> E010 Symbol for Line Separator
> E011 Symbol for Paragraph Separator
> E012 Symbol for Left-to-Right Embedding
> E013 Symbol for Right-to-Left Embedding
> E014 Symbol for Pop Directional Formatting
> E015 Symbol for Left-to-Right Override
> E016 Symbol for Right-to-Left Override
> E017 Symbol for Inhibit Symmetric Swapping
> E018 Symbol for Activate Symmetric Swapping
> E019 Symbol for Inhibit Arabic Form Shaping
> E01A Symbol for Activate Arabic Form Shaping
> E01B Symbol for National Digit Shapes
> E01C Symbol for Nominal Digit Shapes
> E01D Symbol for Zero Width No Break Space
> E01E Symbol for Not A Character (Byte Order)
> E01F Symbol for Not A Character
> E020 (Reserved)
> E021 (Reserved)
> E022 Symbol for Break Permitted Here
> E023 Symbol for No Break Here
> E024 Symbol for Index
> E025 Symbol for Next Line
> E026 Symbol for Start Selected Area
> E027 Symbol for End Selected Area
> E028 Symbol for Character Tabulation Set
> E029 Symbol for Character Tabulation with Justification
> E02A Symbol for Line Tabulation Set
> E02B Symbol for Partial Line Forward
> E02C Symbol for Partial Line Backward
> E02D Symbol for Reverse Line Feed
> E02E Symbol for Single Shift 2
> E02F Symbol for Single Shift 3
> E030 Symbol for Device Control String
> E031 Symbol for Private Use 1
> E032 Symbol for Private Use 2
> E033 Symbol for Set Transmit State
> E034 Symbol for Cancel Character
> E035 Symbol for Message Waiting
> E036 Symbol for Start Protected (Guarded) Area
> E037 Symbol for End Protected (Guarded) Area
> E038 Symbol for Start of String
> E039 (Reserved)
> E03A Symbol for Single Character Introducer
> E03B Symbol for Control Sequence Introducer
> E03C Symbol for String Terminator
> E03D Symbol for Operating System Command
> E03E Symbol for Privacy Message
> E03F Symbol for Application Program Command
> E040 Symbol for Select
> E041 Symbol for Required New Line
> E042 Symbol for Graphic Escape
> E043 Symbol for Superscript
> E044 Symbol for Repeat
> E045 Symbol for Restore
> E046 Symbol for Program Operator Communication
> E047 Symbol for Unit Back Space
> E048 Symbol for Customer Use 1
> E049 Symbol for Interchange File Separator
> E04A Symbol for Interchange Group Separator
> E04B Symbol for Interchange Record Separator
> E04C Symbol for Interchange Unit Separator
> E04D Symbol for Digit Select
> E04E Symbol for Start of Significance
> E04F Symbol for Word Underscore
> E050 Symbol for Bypass
> E051 Symbol for Set Attribute
> E052 Symbol for Start Field Extended
> E053 Symbol for Set Mode
> E054 Symbol for Control Sequence Prefix
> E055 Symbol for Modify Field Attribute
> E056 (Reserved)
> E057 (Reserved)
> E058 Symbol for Index Return
> E059 Symbol for Presentation Position
> E05A Symbol for Transparent
> E05B Symbol for Numeric Backspace
> E05C Symbol for Subscript
> E05D Symbol for Indent Tabulation
> E05E Symbol for Reverse Form Feed
> E05F Symbol for Customer Use 3
> E060 (Reserved)
> E070 Symbol for Start Field
> E071 Symbol for Set Buffer Address
> E072 Symbol for Modify Field
> E073 Symbol for Insert Cursor
> E074 Symbol for Program Tab
> E075 Symbol for Repeat to Address
> E076 Symbol for Erase to Unprotected Address
> E077 Symbol for Vertical Channel Select
> E078 Symbol for Enable Presentation
> E079 Symbol for Inhibit Presentation
> E07A Symbol for Format
> E07B Symbol for Duplicate
> E07C Overscore asterisk
> E07D Symbol for Field Mark
> E07E Overscore semicolon
> E07F Symbol for Eight Ones
> E080 Human stick figure
> E081 Human stick figure in box
> E082 Clock at 6:10 (or 1:30)
> E083 White rectangle with stroke
> E084 Black rectangle with stroke
> E085 Lighting with stroke
> E086 Security key
> E087 Black and White Right-Pointing Triangles
> E090 Symbol for Locking Shift 1
> E091 Symbol for Locking Shift 0
> E092 Symbol for Control Extension
> E093 Symbol for Information Separator 4
> E094 Symbol for Information Separator 3
> E095 Symbol for Information Separator 2
> E096 Symbol for Information Separator 1
> E097 Symbol for Cancel Line
> E098 Picture of Bell
> E099 Word Processing Symbol BP
> E09A Word Processing Symbol BE
> E09B Word Processing Symbol FN
> E09C Word Processing Symbol FE
> E09D Word Processing Symbol BP
> E0A0 Extensible left brace middle
> E0A1 Extensible left parenthesis bottom
> E0A2 Extensible left parenthesis top
> E0A3 Extensible left SB bottom
> E0A4 Extensible left SB top
> E0A5 Extensible right brace middle
> E0A6 Extensible UR or LL brace section
> E0A7 Extensible LR or UL brace section
> E0A8 Extensible right parenthesis bottom
> E0A9 Extensible right parenthesis top
> E0AA Extensible right SB bottom
> E0AB Extensible right SB top
> E0AC Summation symbol bottom
> E0AD Summation symbol top
> E0AE Right ceiling corner
> E0AF Right floor corner
> E0B0 Radical symbol, small
> E0B1 Radical symbol with stroke
> E0B2 Superscript Latin small letter i
> E0B3 Latin small letter a with underbar
> E0B4 Latin capital letter O with underbar
> E0B5 Superscript almost-equal-to sign
> E0B6 Superscript capital Greek letter Sigma
> E0B7 Superscript infinity sign
> E0B8 Superscript proportional-to sign
> E0D0 L V box line, extensible
> E0D1 R V box line, extensible
> E0D2 UL Wedge
> E0D3 UR Wedge
> E0D4 LL Wedge
> E0D5 LR Wedge
> E0D6 H line - Scan 1
> E0D7 H line - Scan 3
> E0D8 H line - Scan 5
> E0D9 H line - Scan 7
> E0DA H line - Scan 9
> E0DB Quadrant LL
> E0DC Quadrant LR
> E0DD Quadrant UL
> E0DE Quadrant UL and LL and LR
> E0DF Quadrant UL and LR
> E0E0 Quadrant UL and UR and LL
> E0E1 Quadrant UL and UR and LR
> E0E2 Quadrant UR
> E0E3 Quadrant UR and LL
> E0E4 Quadrant UR and LL and LR
> E0E5 Full black diamond
> E0E6 Black framus
> E0E7 Black framus + H center bar
> E0E8 White framus
> E0E9 White framus + H center bar
> E0EA R & L arrow to V center bar
> E0EB Up arrow to H center line
> E0EC R arrow to V center line
> E0ED L arrow to V center line
> E0EE Down arrow to H center line
> E0EF Box drawing double dash H
> E100 Symbol for Hex Byte 00
> E101 Symbol for Hex Byte 01
> : :
> E1FF Symbol for Hex Byte FF
> Summary:
> Hex bytes: 256
> Control pictures: 135
> Unicode Controls: 32
> C0 Controls: 0
> C1 Controls: 32
> EBCDIC Controls: 33
> 3270 Controls: 16
> 3270 Indicators: 8
> Misc Controls: 14
> Math Symbols: 25
> Line/Box/Block: 32
> Total: 448
> [1] American National Standards Institute, ANSI X3.4-1986, Code for
> Information Interchange (ASCII), 1986.
> [2] Data General, Programming the Display Terminal: Models D217, D413, and
> D463, Westboro, MA, 1991.
> [3] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT100 User Guide, EK-VT100-UG-002,
> Maynard, MA, 1979.
> [4] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT100 Video Terminal User Guide,
> EK-VT102-UG-003, Maynard, MA, 1982.
> [5] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT220 Owner's Manual, EK-VT220-UG-003,
> Maynard, MA, 1984.
> [6] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT220 Series Programmer Reference
> Manual, EK-VT240-RM-002, Maynard, MA, 1984.
> [7] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT330/VT340 Programmer Reference Manual,
> Volume 1: Text Programming, ED-VT3XX-TP-002, Maynard, MA, 1988.
> [8] Digital Equipment Corporation, Installing and Using the VT420 Video
> Terminal EK-VT420-UG.002, Maynard, MA, 1988.
> [9] Digital Equipment Corporation, VT520/VT525 Video Terminal Programmer
> Inforamtion, EK-VT520-RM.A01, Maynard, MA, 1994.
> [10] Heathkit Manual for the Video Terminal Model H19, The Heath Company,
> Benton Harbor, MI, 1979.
> [11] Hewlett Packard 2621A/P Interactive Terminal Owner's Manual, 1978.
> [12] Hewlett Packard 2648A Graphics Terminal Reference Manual, 1977.
> [13] IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, GA22-6821-8, Poughkeepsie,
> NY, 1970.
> [14] IBM National Language Design Guide, Volume 2: National Language
> Support Reference Manual, 4th Edition, North York, ON, 1994.
> [15] IBM 3270 Information Display System, Component Description,
> GA27-2749-10, 1980.
> [16] IBM 3164 ASCII Color Display Station Description, GA18-2317-1, 1986.
> [17] ISO International Standard 2022, Information processing -- ISO
> 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets -- Code extension techniques,
> Third Edition, Geneva, 1986.
> [18] ISO/IEC International Standard 6429, Information technology --
> Control functions for coded character sets, Third Edition, Geneva, 1992.
> [19] ISO/IEC 10646-1, International Standard 10646,
> Information Processing -- Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set,
> 1993-now.
> [20] Perkin Elmer Model 1100 User's Manual, Randolph, NJ, 1978.
> [21] Siemens Nixdorf, Bildschirmeinheit 97801-5xx Schnittstellen,
> Benutzerhandbuch, M|nchen, 1991.
> [22] Televideo 922 Video Terminal Display Operator's Manual, Sunnyvale, CA,
> 1984.
> [23] Televideo 922 Video Terminal Display Operator's Manual, Sunnyvale, CA,
> 1988.
> [24] The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0, Addison-Wesley Developers
> Press, 1996.
> [25] Wyse WY-60 Programmer's Guide, Wyse Technology, San Jose, CA, 1987.
> [26] Wyse WY-370 Programmer's Guide, Wyse Technology, San Jose, CA, 1990.
> [27] IBM 3270 Information Display System, Data Stream Programmer's Reference,
> GA23-0059-06, 1991.
> [28] ISO International Register of Coded Characters to Be Used with Escape
> Sequences, European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), Geneva,
> 1985-present.
> [29] IBM Character Data Representation Architecture, Level 1 Registry,
> IBM Canada Ltd., National Language Technical Centre, Ontario,
> SC09-1391-00, 1990.
> (End)
-- John Cowan You tollerday donsk? N. You tolkatiff scowegian? Nn. You spigotty anglease? Nnn. You phonio saxo? Nnnn. Clear all so! 'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)
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