Sun has added Japanese Unicode locale at Japanese Solaris 2.7. A bit more
additional information on Japanese Solaris 2.7 can be found from:
I also cc'd Shioda-san (tomonori.shioda@japan.sun.com) in case you would
like to have more in-depth information on Japanese Unicode locale at
Japanese Solaris 2.7. (One thing I can say to you is, it will have same
level of support as like other two Japanese locales, Japanese EUC and
PCK/ShiftJIS locale including ATOK/Wnn/cs00 support.)
With regards,
] Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 08:28:49 -0700 (PDT)
] From: Smita Desai <sdesai@inconcert.com>
] Subject: Unicode support in Solaris 2.7
] To: Unicode List <unicode@unicode.org>
] MIME-version: 1.0
] Hello,
] Does anyone know if Sun plans to support a native Unicode encoding for
] Japan in upcoming Solaris 2.7? I understand they have added five more
] European locales in 2.7 in addition to English and Korean added in 2.6.
] It is surprising and rather disappointing that there is no native
] Unicode encoding for Japan.
] Any insight would be great.
] Thanks,
] Smita
] Smita Desai
] Software Engineer, Internationalization
] InConcert, Inc.
] Tel - 617.499.4427
] Fax - 617.499.4409
] smita@inconcert.com
] http://www.inconcert.com
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