At 03:29 AM 10/14/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Sir/ Madam,
>I am Lili Budiman, a master student of Computer Science Department of
>Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. I am now doing my research about
>Java Virtual Machine, a security mechanism approach.
>My research is to investigate some researches in security mechanism
>process of Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and then compare among them, and
>after that, I will propose a suitable one.
>Currently, I have a problem that I could not find any research project
>about security mechanism process of JVM.
>If you know any research project that discusses about security mechanism
>process of JVM, please inform me by sending an email, that I can contact
>or visit them.
>Thanks so much in advance.
>Yours sincerely,
>Lili Budiman.
>Computer Science Department
>School of Advance Technology
>Asian Institute of Technology
>Bangkok, Thailand
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