At 08:57 рм 16/10/1998 -0700, Michael Everson wrote:
> It could mean that there are some characters
> which are shown with ypogegrammeni, for instance, which do > not, according to Greek grammar, take ypogegrammeni.
This is another matter altogether where a discussion paper is truly needed. This issue concerns a fictional Greek accentuation mark in Unicode that is called "TONOS" and described as "a vertical line above", when in fact "TONOS" (a Greek word for "stress") is the generic name for OXIA, VARIA and PERISPOMENI in polytonic and OXIA in monotonic, and not a separate and distinct accentuation mark. This is common knowledge among educated Greeks and proof can be easily obtained from any Greek grammar book (present or past).
I would be happy to provide this list with a discussion paper in PDF format, only that I don't know what else could be written therein, except for a translation of the relative section of the grammar book distributed to Greek students in High School along with some examples.
I suppose that the above seem unreal or even ridiculous to some people in this list, but believe it is true and very easy to prove.
Constantine Stathopoulos,
Iris Media Internet Solutions.
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