Ar 18:19 -0000 1998-10-25, scríobh WASSERMAN EUGENE:
>How do I get my name of the unicode list I tried:
>but it does not work.
>Sorry for such a base question and thatk you in advance for your help.
Hi, Eugene, I saved the SUB/UNSUB instructions kindly posted on list
UNICODE some time back, and here is a relevant snippet. Hope this helps,
Marion Gunn
The public mail list "" is open to anyone who
wishes to be involved in technical discussions of the Unicode Standard.
You can subscribe to the Unicode public mail list by sending a message to
the list's "request" address. The subject line of your message should
contain the word "subscribe". The body of the message should contain a
subscription command, which has the following form:
subscribe YOUR_ADDRESS unicode
For example, if your e-mail address is "" you
would subscribe to the Unicode list by sending a note to
"" with the subject line "subscribe" and the
contents as follows:
subscribe unicode
(Your personal name should not be specified; only your electronic mail
address is needed for subscription.) Subscriptions take effect
immediately, beginning with the next message posted to the list.
You may remove yourself from the mail list at any time by similarly sending
an "unsubscribe" message, for example, assuming your address is
"" you would unsubscribe by sending the following
message to the same address "":
unsubscribe unicode
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