Darling Subscribers:
Asmus said to Eugene some moments ago...
"If you have a basic administrative question like Eugene and don't
want to bother the list, try mailing info@unicode.org"
This is true. You can also send mail to me, sarasvati@unicode.org,
or to postmaster@unicode.org or to root@unicode.org. You need never
send frantic help queries to the list itself.
Below I have attached the latest information about subscription.
The most common error people make is to forget their own address.
E.g., having subscribed as "ignis_fatuus@umars.edu" they expect
to unsubscribe as "iggy@x15.umars.edu".
Your Cheerfully Chirping Gnome in the Bright Black Box,
-- -- -- the help file attached -- -- --
Below you will find instructions for subscribing, unsubscribing, posting to
"unicode@unicode.org", in addition to some loosely defined rules and
etiquette. Thank you for your interest in The Unicode Standard. If you have
problems subscribing you may send questions to: info@unicode.org
Visit our web site at http://www.unicode.org
The public mail list "unicode@unicode.org" is open to anyone who wishes to be
involved in technical discussions of the Unicode Standard.
You can subscribe to the Unicode public mail list by sending a message to the
list's "request" which is:
ADDDRESS TO: unicode-request@unicode.org
SUBJECT line: subscribe
TEXT MESSAGE: should contain a command, which has the following form:
subscribe YOUR_EMAILADDRESS unicode
For example, if your e-mail address is "V_WoodHull@whitehouse.gov" you would
subscribe to the Unicode list by sending a note to
"unicode-request@unicode.org" with the subject line "subscribe" and the
contents as follows:
subscribe V_WoodHull@whitehouse.gov unicode
Your personal name should not be specified; only your electronic mail address
is needed for subscription. Subscriptions take effect immediately, beginning
with the next message posted to the list.
If you have problems, you may contact: info@unicode.org
You may remove yourself from the mail list at any time by similarly sending
an "unsubscribe" message, for example, assuming your address is
"Leon_Trotsky@whitehouse.gov" you would unsubscribe by sending the following:
ADDRESS TO: unicode-request@unicode.org
SUBJECT: unsubscribe
TEXT MESSAGE: unsubscribe Leon_Trotsky@whitehouse.gov unicode
When you wish to post a message to the list itself (i.e., to the subscribers),
send it to:
ADDRESS TO: unicode@unicode.org
SUBJECT: (your subject)
TEXT MESSAGE: (your text)
The "-request" address is ONLY for subscription and unsubscription.
This list has occasional lulls during which only a message or two per day
might be posted, but it has also been subject to heavy periods where more than
twenty messages per day will be exchanged. Subscribers should be prepared for
both circumstances. In general, you can expect to see 5 to 10 messages per
The subscription mechanism is very literal, and it doesn't know about all the
aliases by which you may be known. Therefore when you subscribe please make
a note of your precise subscription address. You will not be able to
unsubscribe without matching the precise address by which you subscribed. For
example, if you subscribe as "karl_marx@nowhere.com" then you will NOT be able
to unsubscribe by the name "k.marx@nowhere.com", or by
"karl_marx@mail.nowhere.com" or any other such mis-matched address.
There is also a "news" list to which you can subscribe if you are ONLY
interested in official consortium announcements, and have no wish to
participate in any technical discussion. Send a similar subscription request
ADDRESS TO: news-request@unicode.org
SUBJECT: subscribe
TEXT MESSAGE: subscribe Walt_Klondike@northpole.net news
If you subscribe to the Unicode@unicode.org list, then it is REDUNDANT to
subscribe to the news list; all official announcements are sent to both lists.
If you subscribe to both, you will get two copies of all official
announcements. In subscribing to the news list, you gain nothing extra; the
news list is a broadcast-only list intended solely for individuals with no
interest in technical discussions or message exchange.
The Unicode list is mostly an uncensored forum, with one exception: job
postings and recruitment campaigns have always been strictly forbidden.
Sarasvati is ever watchful for breeches of this rule, and is merciless in her
Correspondents should remain tolerably polite and consider carefully before
launching into rabid ad hominem attacks. Outright advertising, lengthy
off-topic ramblings, and blatant spamming of the list are all usually frowned
upon by the community at large. However for the most-part, other than
profanity, "anything goes". We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,
at any time, on any whim.
If you experience difficulty with subscription or unsubscription, please write
to "postmaster@unicode.org", which is read personally by Sarasvati.
The mail lists are not serviced by a LISTSERV type of server. The command
set of the server is limited to simple requests for addition and removal.
There is no digest mode. The list of subscribers is not available.
Messages are usually archived on a temporary basis, and some archives are
currently available for downloading in "raw" form. There are no plans to make
them available in any other form. Any available archives can be retrieved on
the web, and are linked through the Unicode home page.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:20:42 EDT