REPLY TO 10/30/98 15:25 FROM UNICODE@UNICODE.ORG: Terminal Charsets Proposal
> Well, I ran out of time -- gotta go now, probably won't be back till
> Monday, so there's no way to get these to the appropriate parties on
> paper by Fedex on November 2nd. Maybe November 3rd?...
You have two chances:
(a) Yes, I guess Arnold could hold off for one day. (I'll leave a message
for him.)
(b) But if you get your proposal to the Unicode Office by Monday, November
16, there is enough time to make copies for distribution at the UTC/L2
meeting (even with the Thanksgiving holiday intervening).
And it is possible for us to pull a copy from a site. (However, then you
are trusting that software and connections work correctly.)
-- Joan Aliprand
Chair, UTC
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