Excel97 uses Unicode 2.0 since that was current at the time of its design.
Nothing in it precludes use of Unicode 2.1. In particular, U+20AC works
Chris Pratley
International Program Manager
Microsoft Office
差出人 : stephen_holmes@lionbridge.com [mailto:stephen_holmes@lionbridge.com]
送信日時 : 1998年 11月 11日 水曜日 午前 12:03
宛先 : Unicode List
件名 : RE: Chinese
If it's translated in Excel 97, then it can be saved as Unicode. Excel is
internally Unicode compliant itself, though I'm not sure whether that's 2.0
compliant (I think it's 1.3 or something - you'd probably want to check).
-----Original Message-----
From: <unicode@unicode.org >
Sent: 10 November 1998 09:51
To: Unicode List <unicode@unicode.org>
Subject: Chinese
Greetings from Gothenburg, Sweden
Can anyone help me with a problem in Chinese.
We are a translation company who have been asked to supply a translation
in Chinese using UniCode 2.0. We have Chinese Windows 98 (both versions),
but I've been told it's not necessary. Our customer wants a file in
Microsoft Excel translating into Chinese.
Can anybody give me any tips??
Grateful for any help.
David Moran
Production Manager
Tekniktext AB
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