Ar 19:03 -0000 1998-11-12, scríobh Rick McGowan:
>Marco Mussini suggested discussion of:
>> (A) Turkish letter "dotless I"
>> (B) The second problem is about the German sharp S issue:
>There probably isn't a FAQ about these two issues yet, but they have both
>been discussed before, at great length, again and again...
>You will probably find some previous e-mail exchanges about them in the MAIL
> Rick
List UNIODE has ARCHIVES, Rick? MMM -- mmmany thanks for that useful URL! mg
-- Marion Gunn Everson Gunn Teoranta 27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn; Baile an Bhóthair; Co. Átha Cliath; Éire Gutháin: +353 1 283-9396, +353 1 478-2597, 15 Port Chaeimhghein Íochtarach; Baile Átha Cliath 2; Éire (Ireland)
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