Anyone know what SOPS is?

From: John Whyman (
Date: Wed Dec 02 1998 - 23:18:31 EST

I have a customer in Taiwan, he is using a Unicode mapping for BIG5, he
claims that a lot of his data is in encoding he calls "SOPS". He claims
this is related to BIG5, but will give no indication of how. I have
never heard of this encoding, he will not provide any help like an ISO,
CNS standards number or IBM CCSID. Has anyone heard of this encoding?,
and if so do they have a Unicode mapping?, or even a BIG5 mapping so I
could construct one?

Due to the size of the company I could believe it to be a proprietary
encoding, but they must know how to convert it to something, in order to
use it. He will not enlighten me on this point either.

Best Regards,

John Whyman Ph+61-2-9900
Ardent Software Pty Ltd Fax +61-2-9957 6749
Level 1, Philips House,
15 Blue Street,
North Sydney
NSW 2060 Australia
Ninety-Ninety Rule /n./ "The first 90% of the code accounts for the
first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code
accounts for the other 90% of the development time."

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