Re: (Re: Unicode mapping table need help) Euro sign encoding

From: Erik van der Poel (
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 23:46:12 EDT

Does it actually work? When you use the "A" functions (e.g.
ExtTextOutA), does Windows convert from CP1252 to Unicode before
accessing the font? What does the old (euro-less) CP1252 -> Unicode
converter do with 0x80? Does it change it to 0x0080?

Even if it does work, I don't think it's a clean solution. Assigning the
euro glyph to U+0080 violates the spirit of the Unicode standard, if not
the letter.

Or, as someone else so succinctly put it, "Yuck".

Oh well, I guess we all have our own points of view.


Erik wrote:
> You missed my point: with the fix I indicated, the fonts work
> regardless of whether the MS patch is installed or not.
> Peter
> From: AT internet on 06/08/99 09:27 PM
> Received on: 06/08/99
> To: Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT
> cc: AT internet@Ccmail
> Subject: Re: (Re: Unicode mapping table need help) Euro sign
> encoding
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> wrote:
> >
> > The trick is to get
> > the euro glyph to show up whenever a document contains x80
> (assuming, of cours
> e
> > we're dealing with cp1252) regardless of which OS is used,
> i.e. regardless of > which mapping is used. The way to do this
> is to have the cmap in the font make > both U+0080 and U+20AC
> point to the euro glyph.
> A cleaner way would be to install the new CP1252 -> Unicode
> converter, which I thought was part of the euro package
> available from MS. If people only install the fonts (without
> the converter) they won't get the euro to work with CP1252.
> Erik

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