Re: List of native characters for specific languages?

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Jun 29 1999 - 14:47:32 EDT

Torsten Mohrin scripsit:

> Does somebody maintain such a list (or database)?

Harald Alvestrand has been working on this problem for years,
and seems to have given it up as a bad job; anyhow, his
Web site now has a broken link.

> I'm aware that it maybe difficult to define what "native
> words/characters" are.

Exactly. Also, authorities don't agree.
Are "naive" and "cooperate" native words? Surely.
Their canonical spellings use diaeresis, but diaeresis is
not a "native" part of English. Etc.

John Cowan                         
       I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

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