Re: List of native characters for specific languages?

From: John (
Date: Tue Jun 29 1999 - 16:33:42 EDT

In message <>
(Torsten Mohrin) writes:

> What I'm looking for is a list of languages and for each language a
> list of the corresponding script(s) and a list of the characters used
> for native words in this language.
> I use German as an example:
> Native characters: A-Z, a-z, AOU umlaut, aou umlaut, sharp s
> Characters like "a grave" or "e diaresis" are used in foreign words
> only.
> Does somebody maintain such a list (or database)?

Yes - try
or other parts of the same URL string.

This is the latest draft of a project of the European Commission for
Norms technical committee CEN/TC304: Information and Communications
Technologies: European Localization Requirements.

This covers a lot of European languages.

An earlier draft (mainly reformated, not too many different details)
is hosted or linked from

You may find this earlier draft more helpful to download in some ways
as the GIF files may download unpack more easily than the later one,
where PDF files may need to be retrieved individually, taking more

That said, the later version provides much more readable data.

I hope this helps: it covers a large number of European languages.
I'd be interested in any comments, if you send them to me.

A further new draft is expected in due course, following a meeting of
CEN/TC304, and the CSN/ISSS ALPHA Workshop in Tuebingen, Germany, in
April 1999.


John Clews

John Clews, SESAME Computer Projects, 8 Avenue Rd, Harrogate, HG2 7PG
Email:;   telephone: +44 (0) 1423 888 432
Committee Chair:  ISO/TC46/SC2: Conversion of Written Languages
Committee Member: CEN/TC304: European Localization Requirements
Committee Member: ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG20: Internationalization
Committee Member: ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC2: Coded Character Sets

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