[omitted previous discussion]
> [and also omitting Ed's statement about having been in a similar discussion
> with Frank on this list two years ago, about creating a Unicode text format
> standard.]
[this appeared redundant, except as a note that you had been introduced to Frank]
> >
> >so? (I don't see any clue for berating Frank about "limited experience",
> Are you berating me? You didn't ask me for "clues for berating Frank", just
hmm (though the nearest dictionary does not convey this, my sense of
'berating' is related to the repetition of the "limited experience".
There are indeed degrees here - but then we can argue about shades of meaning.
> who I am. Do you mean that my experience is irrelevant in discussing his
> experience?
It doesn't make a good argument - and most of your listeners stop at that
point. (If you wish to be convincing, leave that out and point out the
places where his posting leaves out information - and _why_ that is more
important than than what he's presenting).
> Frank? Am I being mean to you? Is my criticism too harsh? If so, I
> apologize. What did you think about my suggestions for the Unicode text
> standard?
I have a hunch that Frank is home for the weekend.
> >except possibly your implied age ~55 -- for the rest, I don't see anything
> >that matters much)
> Frank's "limited experience" is not youth but insularity. He cites
> practices current on UNIX systems as though they applied universally.
> I have used UNIX, DOS, Windows, CP/M, Apple ][, IBM mainframes via
> timesharing, and several other kinds of computers, dealing with character
> set problems well outside Frank's range of experience. I forgot to mention
I wouldn't be surprised if many people on this list have also used
a variety of systems (otherwise they'd not be reading this list ;-).
> that I instigated and managed a software development project for a highly
> portable APL that came out in English, French, German, Finnish, Russian,
> and Japanese, on a variety of computer architectures.
I suppose so - but APL itself has little to do with the natural language
aspect (perhaps you managed the message library - that would be relevant
to your statement).
-- Thomas E. Dickey dickey@clark.net http://www.clark.net/pub/dickey
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