At 04:12 PM 7/4/99 -0700, John Cowan wrote:
>Just so. The font's intelligence would say "Use 'j' glyph except when
>constructing an accented character; then use "dotlessj" glyph."
I hope you mean the rendering engine's intelligence. The fonts I work with
(Type 1 and Truetype) aren't very intelligent in that regard, at least with
the font creation tools I use: they insist on a 1:1 character:glyph
mapping, and in Truetype those characters are reasonably assumed to be in a
Unicode table.
Curtis Clark
Biological Sciences Department Voice: (909) 869-4062
California State Polytechnic University FAX: (909) 869-4078
Pomona CA 91768-4032 USA
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