At 09:26 -0700 7/4/1999, Curtis Clark wrote:
>I haven't been on this list long (I've found it interesting and useful),
>and I don't claim any qualifications at all; but I wonder, are these sorts
>of exchanges common? I can understand that Unicode could generate some
>strident differences of opinion, but I sense that I'm missing something
>Curtis Clark
>Biological Sciences Department Voice: (909) 869-4062
>California State Polytechnic University FAX: (909) 869-4078
>Pomona CA 91768-4032 USA
I have to say it surprises me. I wasn't trying to flame Frank, and we
haven't had anyone take exception to the tone of the discussion in the
several years I've been here. We do tell each other quite plainly when an
opinion seems ill-founded, as in Michael's comments on my notion of
encoding IPA extensions using XML.
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